Thursday, October 17, 2013

Day 98 Fri Oct 18 Zoe Can’t Stop Talkin

Hey...I sorta miss my cousin kosmo now that I think about it. I left him in albuquerque with all them balloons floatin in the air. He dont know what he is missin. We are headed for paris right now. I got visions of can can girls and champagne, short little cigarettes and pernod at a cafe table on the champs elysee, them cute black berets cocked to one side on everyone’s head, talk of paintins and laughter fillin the air. Mischa says I should take a closer look at the map, not to burst my bubble or nothin, but there is paris and there is paris and we are in texas not france! Egad, I’ve made a terrible miscalculation.
It’s sorta like the miscalculation dana made when she let that old boyfriend of  berni’s  stay in her house one summer...she thought she liked him ok, but really she let him stay on accounta she liked his dog, but then his dog died and he was still there bein a curmudgeon and a bad sport. And then she had to live with him ad infinitum until he one day he just picked up and left without payin his rent or nothin.
Or its sorta like the miscalculation ole Mischa made when she rented her place to the clown one year and next thing she knew she was payin the clown rent insteada rice versa, or somethin like that.
Hey on the way to paris, texas, not france we passed Ms. Lulu’s Road. We all wondered real hard what was down there so we took a detour to find out.
I guess I would have to say we calculated correctly with that decision, cause ms lulu was sittin right in the middle of ms lulu’s road, sellin chittlins and pork bellies, bbq and corn on the cob. I tell ya kosmo you woulda loved it, it was a gourmand’s delight!
We drove a long time today to end up in paris so aunt dana could watch the ball game and I could go belly up on a nice soft bed. We dint eat much food tonight though, cause last place they stopped  they ate  a big mound a avocados and lost their dinner appetite. I dint lose mine, but I guess maybe they forgot that...
I’m gonna shoot them some long faces and some doll eyes to perhaps jog their memories.
Aunt leelee and pinky called awhile ago and she tried to tell mischa about the barbeque in fort worth, but mischa was wincin into the phone. She gets the skeeves thinkin about dead cows and pigs all ground up into little shreds a pink fatty tissues. So I guess my days a meat eatin is comin to a end once again. I thought since dana was on the trip I had half a chance at a burger at least, but the kabosh seems to be on, and stayin on when it comes to meat morsels on this trip.
What’s a girl to do? Veg out, I guess is my only option.
Maybe kosmo was right to stay back there in albuquerque. His chances of catchin a reasonable meal
are still highly possible, as mine become a distant and faint memory.
Speakin a memories...seems like the republicans got their jogged last night and remembered to put the government back to work. Somebody musta put somethin foul in their drinkin water, cause they been in a bad mood for five solid years. Mischa says she feels like we’re in a surrealistic movie and there’s elephants in every room and nobody can see em on accounta they got their eyes shut too tight.
Anyways, I gotta run, I’m tryin to eek out that last meal of the day...So ....Later.

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