Tuesday, October 1, 2013

day 80 mon sep 30 twin tornadoes

Oh boy and oy vey. Well from where I was sitting it looked like there was two tornadoes just spinning wilder and wilder outta control. And they was not more than 20 feet away from each other. One was comin out the studio window and the other one was makin that old van look like one them experiments Einstein mighta tried. Everything everywhere around me was rotatin and gyratin. I had to hook myself up to my leash just to make sure I didn't get swept away without no one noticin.
I was like , hey I saw the movie, and I sure is not interested in seein dorothy  or toto or Kansas anytime soon, and certainly not from the inside a no twister. People get a grip, what is goin on?
Finally I sees ole tohnia from next door runnin up the driveway waving and smilin real broad like she does. I'm thinkin, hmmm tohnia, if I remember correctly she's the one who always got a pocketful of t-bones! So now I' m feelin  a little reassured and I quickly untethered myself so as I could give her a proper greetin. And she did not disappoint. I ain't gonna say exactly what she brung me on accounta I don't want her to get in any trouble with the mom's, since they's been monitorin my diet real close the last few days! But just suffice it to say, "yes mam that's what I'm talkin about!"
Suddenly all the whirring ceased and out from the each a the centers of each a the tornadoes comes a mom.
We all went inside and had tea and biscuits like civilized folk do. But as soon as that old gal left I no
sooner blinked my eye and them tornadoes picked right back up where they had started from!
Had to tie my self up to the post real tight this time, as it did appear the velocity of them storms was peakin!
Fortunately it wasn't too long later than that Jude comes saunterin up the driveway in one a them stripp-ed wool beanie caps she likes to wear. I could smell them baby goats on her,  I  dint mention it, Mischa says it ain't polite to point out to bipeds what it is exactly that they smells like. So I kept it to myself, but just sayin, it was a good rich earthy scent, very appealin! 
Seems like Jude had a good effect on the moms cause as soon as they heard her voice they come outta their vortexes and calm settled back on the land. 
We dint drink no tea though, we all petted each other a lot and squirted our cheeks a little, piled in the car and waved bye!
It wasn't till we got right in that ole ferry line though that we realized we forgot something and had to turn right around and go back home.
We got there just in time to find old henry, that big black dog from up the hill, snoopin around my boneyard! Ole B threw a sock at him and chased em on back home. I knew he'd be down there lookin for em bones, bit who woulda thought so soon! Can't blame em though I been tauntin him all summer with those bones. I do it cause I fancy him, really. So hope he enjoys em, cause as ole B always says, "there's more where them came from"!
Hey, we're drivin now, so catch you, which is me, tomorrow!
Sent from my iPad

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