Wednesday, October 2, 2013


Day 81 Tues Oct 1 Zoe’s Morning Pages

HEY. We had a miserable cold! Me and Mischa was bundled in four sweaters, a wool cap and a scarf for extra sympathy. It paid off too! We got sympathy from people we didnt even know. Like the propane man who Mischa called, cause in her dilerium, she thought the propane had run out. Over the phone her voice was crackin so the gas man took mercy on her and hurried on over and filled up all them tanks. Turned out our furnace was broke, not outta propane.  So the poor guy come out in the gale-force winds for nada! But once he laid eyes on us all curled up on the couch in the blankets and the sweaters and hats and scarves...and oh yeah I had mittens on too, he was gushin compassion. He dint even mention the fact that we had cried wolf on a Saturday night!
Now he was just the filler up person, not the fix-it person. So then we had to call a whole other fellow and he came, fixed up the furnace, and  took some real fine mercy on us too. He had said he was gonna charge us about double what he ended up chargin, on accounta him findin me and Mischa all wrapped up in them layers a wool with our teeth chatterin away on the sofa.
So I guess the lesson there was, if you got a little somethin goin on that could possibly elicit sympathy, play that card sister...cause it don’t harm no one, and it may just bring you some surprisingly good luck!
And not to put too fine a point on it, Mischa reminded me that ‘sympathy’ is a word her people invented, so we know all about how to get it and how to give it.
It’s genetic!
Anyways that was then and this is now. We are 700 miles into our trans continental adventure and we find ourselves in the middle of Idaho in the middle of the night and the middle of the great range of mountains known as the rockies. Mischa says them spainyards was the first white men to see em and thought they was a huge pile a pebbles. The Cree, who saw them mountains a long time prior, called em assinwati, on accounta the Cree believe everything, includin pebbles and mountains got a spirit and that spirit is part a us.
Mischa’s always talkin about rocks havin feelins, maybe she’s a Cree and a greek too, is that possible? A mixed breed? I never knew!

What I wanted to talk about was what happened last night. We drove as far as we could with our colds and also with that rain from Alaska doggin us! And even though that Tohnia warned us about stoppin in Kennewick, don’t you know that’s exactly where we landed! Now Kennewick is a town distinct for being the largest nuclear waste dump in the western hemisphere! And it did look extra bright as we pulled into it, there is no doubt about that. None a us wanted to drink the water and so we got there thirsty and stayed that way until it was 100 miles behind us in the mornin.
But despite bein radioactive, them Kennewickers were real friendly and hotel beds was comfy. But that ain’t what I wanted to say...what I wanted to say was that ole radioactivity cured my cold! Mischa’s too! We was hackin and snifflin and feverin and chillin and seems like that town she took all them cold bugs and just blasted their little atoms into mutated oblivion! In fact we’re thinkin we might get back into our runnin jag today or at least tomorrow. We is cured! I am a firm believer in findin the good in a bad situation, and this here is a prime example.

Hey give me an extra bright-glowin atomic city any night. Is that Jimi Hendrix I hear?! Gotta run now. Later

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