Monday, October 28, 2013

Day 108 TRIO Mon Oct 28

Day 108 Mon Oct 28 Zoe Cant Stop Talkin

Monday monday. Ok if we must. As much as I like sunday is as much as I don’t really like monday. Nobody really likes it much. In fact if I was completely honest I would have to say I feel downright sorry for monday. It can’t help it that sunday’s so revered and it has to come next, it dint make the rules it just got put there by the scheduling gods. That’s another thing them greeks invented, schedules. I don’t know why they bothered inventin them though on accounta the last thing in the world they pay any attention to is schedules. They laugh in the face a them. Just try and make a date and time with mischa and see what happens. The time arrives when we planned on doin somethin and it’s a sure bet that she has plunged herself into some totally different activity and forgotten all about our engagement.
I am gettin used to it after 14 years, but I don’t like it much. And ole b gets driven straight up a tree over it.
Dana seems to be a little more forgivin cause she’s on a vacation and tryin to not have a schedule, but then again, she’s greek, so maybe she just laughs at them too.

Speakin a trees... yesterday them two made a date with a friend a mischa’s and they sure were prompt about that! This guy showed up with big cases and piles a books. We opened em all up and inside found guitars and bazookas! He proceeded to play those things while the girls got behind the clarinet and the piano. They kept sayin they was a tree-OH. They dint look much like a tree and why they had to say OH real loud after callin themselves a tree, I dont know but that’s what they did and they did it all afternoon.  Then they started singing in that other language that I could not understand one word a. They all were having themselves a good time though, drinkin uzis and eatin cheese.  They had that house all lit up with sounds and dana kept a steady stream a morsels headed my way.

After that was all over we decided to go to the cool fireplace so dana could eat a personal pizza and mischa could watch them steelers lose the football game again this week. Nobody can understand why she would puts herself through it week after week, but maybe she’s tryin to become more friendly toward schedules. Maybe it’s like a training session.
The good news is, at antony’s, dogs is welcome on the patio and the patio welcomes all kinds a meatballs and sausages that has fallen onto the ground. That place is a bonanza! I loves antony’s. Plus there’s always ladies there who find me irresistible and provide supplemental provisions which mischa almost never finds out about.
When we came back dana watched that series a worlds that she watches every night (on schedule I might add...) where men in uniforms take out their frustrations on little white and red balls.
I guess mischa finds that borin cause it puts her fast asleep. She seems to prefer watchin much bigger guys with helmets and colorful uniforms, bash into each other while chasin a brown ball. I hope that’s not an indication a some underlayin psychological defect in her!
Well even if it is, we all got our baggage...I can deal with it, she’s still my mom, and I still loves her.
Speakin a love, my heart is openin up to morning aromas emanatin from the!

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