Saturday, October 26, 2013

Day 106 halloweenville Sat Oct 26

OH WOW who knew it was halloween already? We went out at this place where buddy jo and his dog zoe was hanging out in costumes. Buddy jo was from tennessee, friendly and chatty. His dog, also named zoe, was a little bit of a princess but we liked her anyways. Next thing we knew the whole town came out a the woodwork and their kids and their dogs too. And they was all dressed like skeletons and witches, bees and smurfettes, cowgirls and firemen, rabbits and spacemen.
It was one big happy family out there on the street, festive and fun and full a treats for pups.
Everybody that passed by our table stopped to pet me and chew the fat with Mischa and everydog stopped to sniff me. She dint give anybody but me any a her dinner though. I got mashed potatoes and salmon stuffed with crabmeat. Vegan beware! The times they is a changin!
Hey this place was so cool I ordered my dinner off the dog menu. It was printed in english and canine-ish, and also had a lot of scratch and sniff options.
One a them waiters was preparin to audition in miami florida tomorrow for some big tv show. He was dressed up like liza morelli in the caberet or someting like that. Aunt dana  told him to break his leg. I dint quite grasp the sentiment, but he seemed to think it was a good one.
Did I mention that all them dogs was wearin costumes too! Most a them musta went to the same wardrobe shop, cause there was a plethora a skeletons. Except ofcourse for the other zoe, she was a bee, ‘’queen bee’’ her dad said.
I had a crush on a rough coat jack for a minute. I ain’t sure what he was supposed to be for halloween but I think it was a pirate or somethin like that. I thought “hmmm big boy, I’d walk the gang plank for you, uh-huh, oh yeah!” But then I snapped out a it and regained my dignity...I mean I was lettin it all hang out in front a all these strangers! I got a little embarrassed. Mischa noticed all this takin place and she leaned down and said “Zoe mou, don’t you worry, a little crush is good for the spirit and gets the blood movin. An ole gal like you can use that now and again.”
Then while I wasnt lookin first mischa and then aunt dana disappeared inside the restaurant and when they came back out Mischa was wrapped up in orange fabric
her face was green and she had long green feathers comin outta her head. I lookd at her like “what the hey?”
“Carrot” she said “I have always wanted to be a carrot on halloween! Like it?”
I just blinked a lot tryin to get it.
Then I looks over at dana and she’s all decked out in sparkles and glitter and a pink tuxedo, a white frilly shirt and huge baubles on her hands. “Don’t tell me.” I said. “Liberace, right?”
“Yeah!’ she shook her head and beamed a huge smile down on me, then she made like she was playin air piano with her hands.
I realized I had been spared the humiliation of a costume, when outta no wheres I see this black cape comin at me. It’s buddy jo and he ties it around my neck
and then produces a top hat and a wand. “What am I?” “Who am I?”
“You’re a, you’re oh yeah you’re Zoerlin the wizzard!” Mischa finally announces.
They were all exceptionally pleased now. And so
we had an extra swell time at the liven room which happened to be the name of the joint. Only one complaint got lodged by aunt dana and Mischa the whole night. That was about the guitarist. His back up band was in a rectangle that was plugged into the wall. The girls dint think that was right. They said he looked bored and lonely on accounta not havin no musician friends to play with. Dana inquired about the musicians union and wondered if the rectangle was a member. Her bein a union carpenter an all makes her extra sensative about workers rights.

Well speakin a rights, it’s almost breakfast time here at the home sweet home, so.....later.

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