Friday, October 4, 2013

Day 84 Fri Oct 4 TO BE OR NOT TO BE

Anyways what I wanted to say was...I ain't anywheres near done
writin. So Mischa said if I really needed to continue usin the iPad
and postin on the blog, I could have another go at it.
Even though we have just landed in the New Mexico, Mischa says we are about to go on a little side trip to California! I love California, and my cousin nick is there, sorely needin a family visit.
Also I could use a break from the pack a terriers. Even though they have been on their best behavior so far, I can smell a change in the weather brewin. That girl terroir is likely to snap at me if she thinks I looked at her monkey too long, or if she suspects I mighta got an extra cookie tossed my way. She counts! Yeah she dont miss a trick that one. I seen the lists she keeps! She could get a job with the NSA or the CIA no problem.
Also I think Mischa needs a little break, cause she had a string a things go wrong today. And yes there was a considerable amount a growlin involved, but she seems to be over it now...
First off when she and the lady a the house sat down to have themselves a cocktail...the dang cupboard was bare and all they could manage was a foul tastin vodka, which they , for unknown reasons, proceeded to drink anyways.
Second, Mischa lost her keys for like an hour, and everybody had to stop what they was doing and look for em.
Third, instead a fallin asleep cause she was dead tired, Mischa said her mind was stuck in some song that refused to stop playin in her head, and it was a imbecilic song from my fair lady.
Fourth first thing in the morning Mischa took a long hot shower, and we was worried she died in there or something, cause it seemed like a day went by, but when she finally came out she said she got the peppermint-rose merry-lime-coconut shampoo in her eye and couldn't find the shower faucet handles. We all thought maybe she made that up, but she smelled like a candle shop and her eyes was all swollen up and red most the day!
Fifth, she lost her keys at work, under the big tent, for about an hour she had us all on the floor looking for em.
Sixth she lost her wallet. She was steaming mad about that cause she thought she wasn't gonna find it, and  we woulda had to cancel our California trip! But come to find out she had left it at the post office in old town Albuquerque, so "the game's afoot!" As they say.
Oh I forgot one more thing that went wrong, them balloons was suppose to be floating in the big sky, but they was not. And Mischa musta run outside about two dozen times lookin for em.
Well there's always tomorrow.
Before we get on that train to go visit, my aunt alice, we might get another chance to spot em.
We understand that alice is lookin real forward to our arrival, and we got an agenda lined for her too.
We're plotting on turnin that sister inta a vegan before we leave, so we got our bags packed full a recipes. I got a special white coat and hat to wear when I'm in the kitchen. Mischa says I'm gonna be the soot chef, or something like that. Truthfully though, I think Mischa's losin her enthusiasm for this vegan business on accounta she bought me a burger yesterday and i'da swore I saw her sneak a bite! Whatever, I ain't spilling those beans especially since they weren't even beans they was cows.
Speaking a cows...even I is gettin pangs a sympathy for them animals when we pass em on the road and they's all lined up with their heads pokin outta them jail bars and their tongues lappin up that smelly mush...whatever happened to the sixties...there'd a been a dozen spontaneous sit-ins and a march on Washington before I even had this sentence all typed out.
Now we all point and sigh and drive on, convinced there ain't no use tryin to right all the wrongs we see. But hey...maybe that ain't true, maybe this vegan thing is the right place to begin to turn this animal injustice around. I think I could sign on, I could give up meat, besides, we're Greek, we can eat lamb! Lamb's good!
Oops, I hear Mischa callin me, I think she wants to have one a them long form conversations, on accounta my lamb comment. I just heard her say "Zoe! That's not right, and that's not funny either, come here!"
Gotta run, trains to catch....

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