Wednesday, October 16, 2013


Day 96 Wed Oct 16 Zoe Can’t Stop Talkin
Two Rabbits Walk Into A Bar...

Bon matin, as they say en francais. Or top a the mornin to ya as they say on the isles.
Hey I was just thinkin. People don’t really know any dog jokes. I thought I should start documentin them since not too many other dogs had ipads.
So here’s one for today.
Two rabbits walk into a pub. (they’s brits) They hop up onto stools. Neither a them can see over the bar on accounta they’s too short. So they hear the bartender ask “what’ll it be?” The first rabbit says he’ll have a carrot juice, and the other one says he’d like a bugs bunny straight up. The bartender’s all confused by the order, and he peers over the bar to see who he’s dealin with here.
When the rabbits see the huge dog’s canines glistening in the florescent light, they hop right up to the ceiling, get all caught up in the fan, are flung out the window and into the street. They was still twirlin like two little tornadoes when they landed. And that’s how the song “they call the wind my rabbit”, got writ
That’s one joke we love to tell to other jack russels and also to scottie dogs.
Hey speakin a rabbits I saw the headline in the times the other day “U.S. Accuses Two Rabbits of Kidnappin Husbands for a Fee.” Did anybody know rabbits even had husbands. They must have pretty dang good memories and or are of moremen denomination. Them rabbits mate faster than you can shake a stick at em. So exactly how they stop long enough to go the chapel and get hitched, is beyond this pup.
Well today me and d are puttin b on a plane and sendin her to seattle. We’s headed for amarillo, its in texas and Mischa says we’re gonna comb the land from here to florida, lookin ofr the best diners. We’re takin all the country roads, on accounta the main roads is a fast food artery cloggin wasteland. That’s what Mischa calls it. I call it hoover heaven. But I’m sure people eat hamburgers on the back roads too.

Speakin a artery cloggin, ole Mischa had a melt down yesterday over that guy who is livin in her house. He wont call her and she got steamin up set. We thought she was gonna get volcanic and start spout stuff outta the top a her head, cause she kept holdin on to it real tight, and we all had to huddle around her and tether her to the earth until she turned a more normal color.
She called her friend ronnie to talk about it but old ronni was in the hospital with a bum arm. That brought ole Mischa back to reality real quick. One thing she does got is a big heart for anyone who is sufferin. Maybe she better figure out how to have a big heart for her ownself when she’s upset. That’d bring her back to earth easier.
Anyways  gotta go, we’re gonna try to facetime ole ronni before we put b on the plane. AND I smell breakfast cookin. Later

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