Saturday, October 12, 2013


Day 92 Sat Oct 12 Zoe Can’t Stop Talkin

Lord have mercy, the pile a creatures that got on that train was fascinatin. I couldn’t understand word one a their barkin, but there was a lot of bowing, giggling and cheek squirtin goin on.
Them sisters didnt want to say goodbye but they did. Then they waved bye so hard I thought maybe their wrists were gonna take flight.
All the people was crowdin the conductor tryin to either give or get a piece a paper.
There was three guys who had their whole bodies painted in pictures and their two pitbulls too! Them pitbulls dint really seem inclined to get shuffled onto that train, but they did. You know somea them can’t help emselves and takes a chunk or two outta whoever’s next to em. I was hopin they’d get assigned a different car, and god was lookin favorable down on me when I hoped it.
I met em though in the place with all the light where we sit and watch the land escape past the window. They were nice really, not as nice as pink, but close to it, especially considerin they was  a pack a pits. They can talk each other into doin some untoward things. I seen it happen. That’s why our friend leelee has taser guns in her holster all the time.
Anyways, we did have a small boy in the seat behind Mischa. I saw her body lunge forward several times through the night on accounta he had that little kid kickin mechanism in full gear. She dint mind too much as she was in a rectangle alot. Also that boy and his dad was speakin in pictures,  laughin and laughin with each other. They set a good tone for the trip so we forgave em their kickin transmissions, or whatever.
Today we will be reunited with ole B. We havent seen her for a whole week now. Mischa says a cyclone blew threw the tent in that albuquerque and wrecked our bauble display. B had to fix it up herself. I guess we’re gonna half to give her a break from all that talkin she had to do on her own. She had to tell ladies about the colors and shapes in the boxes. She is a chatty cathy but she dont see herself that way. So all that talkin exhausts her sometimes.
Hey we had breakfast in the dining car with two guys.
A  marine and a carpenter and a big fan a animals, was one a them. The other guy liked hockey  and was looking forward to seein them balloons. I told him all about the accidental balloon trip I took. The hockey guy  was impressed, and wonderin if he could accidentally end up in one hisself. We all ate eggs and the waitress let me have a hunk a bacon under the table, I don’t think nobody saw that transaction, which is good cause Mischa’s got me a another meatless jag.
I am thinkin that is all gonna change when we get to the new mexico. Kosmos and rio and their cousins asia and allie all eat meat, and when i’m in roam i eat roaman!
You know all our peoples think they trained us to wait  poilitely for food, cause we all line up like little soldiers. But really we are interested in gettin our fair share, so we take volume measurements. Then we use that as leverage after dinner. The pup that got the heaviest meal wins that round. It’s a game we play. Tonight we’re eatin at asia and allie’s house so i gotta be specially alert as there will be a lot of comparisons to make. I am hopin Mischa picks me up during the preparin time and I can get a better look into all the bowls.
I do have her trained to do that on command.
Yeah trainin dogs and trainin peoples is a fine art and a science too.
That marine carpenter he says them pits aint bad by nature it’s people who gets em turned in the wrong direction.
Speakin a direction, I see the red rocks of the new mexico, we’re almost home, gotta grab my bags. Later!

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