Sunday, October 6, 2013

Day 86 sun oct 6 ALL ABOARD

Day 86. Oct 6 ALL ABOARD

Day 86. Oct 6 ALL ABOARD
Well we managed to hop the train to L.A. imagine that. And I am not the only pup on the train either.
There's a real sweet border collie, very well behaved too I might add. Most a them collies are kinda busy.
This guy is pretty laid back. He most likely is a California dog. Both his parents got jet packs!

I know Mischa popped a photo of me in my buccos cap into my blog this mornin. I wanted her to put one a them scenic southwest shots in....but today is game 3 a them payoffs, or somethin like that...and she 's gettin a jump start on the cheerin section. 
Anyways, back to the train! We got to eat in the dinin car, first seatin too, 5:30! I was really the talk a the evening, that collie never did show up. Let me just say I left that car with a belly full a joy! I can't believe we don't ride this train everyday. It'd be worth it. 

Let's get back to that photo again...I don't look too happy now do I? You know they's always tryin to use me as a pin-up doll or somethin. I either got a bow tie on, or a mustache, or a sweater vest, or French beret, or it's this silly paper ball cap. I'd think Mischa could splurge for a coupla official pirate hats...I mean cheez lady, whatd up? Mischa says we're gonna watch the game with our brotherinlaw. I am tryin to figure out what or who that might be. Cause Mischa don't really got a brother per se, so this one here I guess is a reasonable facsimile. That's a word I picked up at the kinko's last week! I think it's like a doppelgänger or somethin...but I'm really not sure. In fact I hope it ain't anything like a doppelgänger on accounta that would scare the three cheeses outta me.

I will tell you what though....this here train ridin's the bomb! It got rhythm and it rocks you right to sleep. It's like a little symphony of sounds just outside the window, sets a real comforting tone for the ride.
I gotta see about gettin a monthly pass or somethin. Only problem I can see..and it ain't that small a one, especially for Mischa, is that just about everybody on this train has a cold, cept for me and that border collie!
Mischa says I dint get her cold cause I'm wearin the lucky buck hat! Whatever.

They must a really liked me a lot on that train cause one a them porters brung me a bone this morning. He came all the way to the last car on the train to bring it to me too. We're in caboose, for some reason. It has its advantages and disadvantages . 
First all the most colorful people in the universe seem to live in L.A. And everybody trainin it to L.A. has to ride in the caboose. So we are one big mixed bag back here. Some a us is more colorful than others for sure, and that could be seen as a disadvantage.... Like the guy right in front a us...he ain't too charmed by pups. He looks over the seat back every once in a while a groans and squints. Come to think a it, I don't think he likes bipeds much either.
One time when we was comin back from the observation car, we saw this long shadow on the floor movin real funny, kinda like an alligator moves if he's fixin to mate with a girl gator..
Turns out it was the guy in the seat in front a us, doin his exercises in the aisle.
Another disadvantage to the colorful Angelinos is...they's pretty big chatty cathys. They loves their cell phones and just about everybody in Los Angeles knows by now who is and who is not comin on home on this train, also what they is wearin, and what they ate for each and every meal.
Aside from that, and the mediocre condition of the facilities, which, don't impact  me much, but Mischa keeps wincin when she gotta go there...aside from that this caboose if swell.
So swell in fact I'm gonna be countin the minutes until we get to ride back  to albuquerque , also we both miss ole b...and ok, them terriers left a little paw print on my heart this time too, I admit it. But for now, we get to visit alice and the brotherinlaw, cousin nick and a whole lotta people we have not seen in a while, and includin one little guy we never have met onward to the garden of eden, and all the bounty therein. Later!

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