Sunday, October 6, 2013

Day 85 sat oct 5. FIRED UP

Day 85 Oct 5 Zoe's Morning Pages

Oh boy.  Somethin fabulous happened in the sky at dawn! I dint believe my eyes! It looked like people was lightin little fireplaces all across the sky. And that sun was all tangerine-orangey-yellow way down low, but bluer than blue way up high. Then as the sun rose up I could see all all these balls a color, all different sizes. Inside a each one was ragin fire. You could hear the sound a wind comin outta the balls, it was like geese was trapped in there flappin and flappin. Maybe there was geese in there fannin them fires! I don't really know and Mischa wouldn't pay no attention to me neither on accounta she had her head in a rectangle pointin up at the balls! So the  more the day came up the more I could see all these balls floatin up there was all different shapes too. I seen two huge bees, and a donkey, a lighthouse the size of the state of the New Mexico itself, an elephant, a red sports car, a green cactus, a coyote, Mickey Mouse, and shamu....   Now I was confused and I was awestruck and I got dizzy from all that overhead traffic.  The bipeds was all smilin and pointing and elbowin one and other somethin fierce!
I wasn't sure if I should freak out on accounta that menagerie in the sky, or laugh it off like the rest a the crowd seemed to be doin.
I settled on laughin seeins as I is tryin to adopt a new and improved attitude on life in my later years.
Next thing I knew the moms was yankin my leash sayin we had to get into that big tent and sell some baubles. I got in there and climbed on my shelf, and took a nice nap. 
Then.....all a sudden I wake up and I hear wings and I smells smoke and I can see my own selfs breath right before my eyes! I get this real queasy feelin in my stomach pit, then stack a coupla 2's together...I'm airborne people! And I mean way airborne. I'm in this tiny hand woven basket and there's a fire breathing dragon on board! My moms was nowhere to be found, just a coupla questionable strangers. Egad whose idea of a joke was this?
Some guy bent down to pet me and next thing I knew I was in his arms and peerin over the edge of the basket! We was in the blue sky! I could see, what I thought was Mischa way way down there flailing them chubby Greek limbs and jumpin up and down.
I started to get faint and musta gone for iT, cause I don't remember nothin else until I was layin belly up on the ground and Mischa and B was hoverin over me, fannin me with a sombrero!
"What the heck happened?" These words came flyin outta everybody's mouth all at the same time! There was a deep silence. Then some real brown lady waddled on over and sat down next to me. She looked down on me with a real sweet look on her face. She said, "this little girl...oh lord, I saw her with her head down sniffing on the earth, next thing was, she walked right into this fella's balloon basket, and nobody but me seen her!" "I tried to tell somebody, but I couldn't get over here fast enough and up she went!"

We was fascinated by the story, and then we realized , it was the truth....I had inadvertently climbed into that ole basket. Ok ok, yes I was vacuumin morsels, but I must a been sleepwalkin while vacuumin, cause the last thing I remembered, like I already said, was takin that nap on the shelf!
In the end, I had to fess up to thinkin the moms had sent me on that ride, and my moms had to fess up that they thought I talked to strangers and then got picked up and stole away.
Hey there ain't no gypsies in the New Mexico people.
Listen?..was that a whistle I heard... gotta go, this time the train really is leavin the station. Later!

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