Thursday, August 22, 2013

Day 41 Thursday August 22 THE TREE Zoe's Morning pages

Day 41 Thursday August 22 Zoe's Morning pages

Well, it finally happened.   The thing I tell everybody that happens all the time, (but I never really saw it happen, I had been involved in heresy or something like that) well it finally happened.

Me and Mischa was runnin down our own road! And a pack of guys had all these big trucks and trailers and saws and such, and they’re makin alot of racket.
Not like in makin bets or nothin like they do in Philly, just like a lot of noise.
Truthfully I thought they was weed whackin some huge weeds like Mischa and B had to do for a week when we got home this spring! 
So we runs by them. Right then I think I saw them hackin away at some poor unsuspectin douglas fir! But I didn't say nothin cause Mischa does not like to stop and chit chat or smell things when she is on her mission.
But next thing I know we’s runnin back home and i get an even better view and lo and behold
they are hackin away at a doug fir. From my angle it looked like that ole tree was headin my way and in the not so distant future.
I tried to tell Mischa but she never looked down. I think she mighta seen it too cause she picked up that pace quite impressive like.
And then we are right along side the dang thing what happened?
What happened is the whole 60 feet of wood came down BOOM I thought we was under attack!
We both jumped about 3 feet up in the air.
Mischa said her heart got like a little stabbin pain in it. Mine did too but I didnt mention it.
Anyways when we got home we had a pile of chores to do, and the white poodle came over again!
She's gettin better though, she's a pretty quick learner, she hasn't nipped at me for a while now.
I do keep my distance, and my head down, pretendin like she aint there a lot of the time. That's a great trick, Pink, if you ever read this!
When Mischa loaded up the car, I knew that was my ticket outta the yard, and jumped in the car. She didn't have much room for me, but she made a space and butter butter cream cream sweetie sweetied me for a good minute before we took off down the drive. I stood up at the window and waved b-bye at the poodle. It was kinda mean-spirited on my part. I feel a little guilty about it now, but I'll get over it. Mischa says forgiveness goes on the top of the list most days. Today I suppose is one of them. 
We went to this one place where there was a bunch of artists hanging around. That is always a sure fire bet for pets and often treats. This group was a little stiff-upper-lip with the treats, but excellent in the petting department. Then this big silver dog came in, my god she was pretty! Or he, I should know cause I was under him/her as we was gettin a whiff of each other, but I was so enamoured with his/her beauty I can't really say! Mischa says that's like bein color blind which is an excellent trait in a creature. That means we  is less likely to make judgements about each other's skin tones, judgements that make no sense whats so ever but we do it anyways. So I'm outta the woods there. That's a relief. Maybe that'll balance out my karma for having that bad thought about the poodle earlier.
Hey gotta go. B's got an appointment downtown, that they been yakin about for a month now.
I got to make sure I get in that car!
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