Thursday, August 15, 2013

Day 34 Thursday August 15 UPHILL BATTLE

Day 34 Thursday August 15 Zoe’s Morning Pages

Hey hello. I overheard some potentially great news last night. Skagit Farmers in Freeland's got free hot dogs all day long! That’s on the to do list for this morning.
Early morning! I could go for a little beef after that workout Mischa put me through yesterday. She must be havin a mid-life crisis or somethin. But really I think she's too old for that. It's getting to be like boot camp out there. Now instead a just runnin on the level like we use ta do in the great flat state of florida, she's got me runnin straight up them hills. She says we’re in the great pacific northwest land of snow-capped mountains and and if ya got mountains ya gotta climb em. You know I think I should mention to her that all this exercise is not really makin much of a dent in the ole waistline if that's what we're suppose ta be after, which I am pretty sure is the plan. Hey Mischa don't look now but we both got them bulgin bellies, sorry to break it to you so bluntly. She had me goin up and down one steep and perilous cliff after another. I'm starting to think she thinks I'm really a goat or something. I heard her call me a  gotsiki more than once. She don't think I speak Greek, but I got a dictionary now! I know what's she's sayin!
I think she was tryin to get somethin outta her system with all that uphill trauma she put me through. I ain't gonna take it personal. But except for the fact that there is always a possibility of free food en route, I might consider bein a bit more discriminatin about just leapin into that car in the morning. I should be able to tell by now when the foul mood is settin in upon her and she might be feelin the need to just run it off. On those days I could politely beg off the ride. She'd be ok with that, I could pull out the old-dog-face ( ears back and puppy eyes on), or the I-gotta-spend-time-with-B-this-morning face, or I could simply make myself scarce when she reaches for the car keys. I am a little like ole Pavlov's dog with them keys though. I gotta work on that.

I know fur sure one bad thing that happened yesterday. Mischa had the bright idea to cook up some smelts she bought at the fish store. I didn't know fish lived in a store really I thought they lived on the water, but I'm learnin new things all the time despite my advanced age. Anyways she comes home with these fishes, and she tells B she's gonna cook em up. Then she gets em all lined up in the pan, and I notices she's gettin kinda woozy or somethin. She starts waving like a flag in the wind! She kept callin them smereethes she said that's Greek for smelts, cause if you say it in Greek, it's a little less likely to freak ya out. It's like havin a second cousin once removed. He's far enough away that if somethin happens to him, you might not go immediately into a morbid depression. I think I'm gettin off the beatin track, or however you say that.
Anyways she thought maybe if she cut their heads off it'd be easier to look at them and get em in the oven. I sure woulda liked that! She called out the window to B and said "B I don't think I can eat these!" And the ole B tells her it's ok, like she gives her the go-ahead ...remember now we're vegans, and we don't eat no animals. Fishes is animals, right? So I'm not really sure how the little smelts got into our bag at the store in the first place. Now we is faced with a big dilemma. The house smells like the Dead Sea.  I got a little saliva comin outta my mouth in expectation, and Mischa is about to get sick cause she feels so bad about the Dead-Sea-fish.
Then I hear her, calling out the window again to B and says " I can't do it B!"  And then real fast like almost before Mischa had the entire sentence outta her mouth B says, " bring em out we'll fertilize the maple tree, I'll get the pick axe!"
So at this point I was real disappointed cause my lunch was about to be buried. Also I felt real bad for Mischa cause she had been kinda rosy brown lookin and the all a sudden she was more like a green color.
But gettin back to the uphill battle we waged yesterday in that park, I think Mischa was just tryin to get that lapse in judgment outa her head and outta her body. She just kept muttering about the poor fishes till I thought both me and B were gonna scream " enough already!"
B said "honey you can moan about that till the cows come home, but it ain't gonna change nothin, just forgive yourself and thank the fishes and let's enjoy our lunch."

Now I am wondering, are we gettin cows now. We just got rid of all them chickens, I'm not sure I like cows....
Hey got to go, hot dogs are callin out my name, and no I am not ashamed one tiny little bit, a girl's gotta eat don't she?
B- bye!
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