Sunday, August 18, 2013

Day 37 Sunday Aug 18 Traumas Meltdowns and Weenie Roasts

Day 37  Sunday August 18  
Traumas Meltdowns and Weenie Roasts

Well Zoe thank god that day is over, it was jammed packed and traumatic. Mischa  had higher hopes for it, I know...but I remind her ''ya gotta roll with it." 
She says when I pop outta bed with that joie de vivre it is infectious,  and she is gonna start lettin down her defenses, so as she can acquire some of it too. 
Speakin a joie de vivre, I just learned my cuzin Pinky was french! Cheez I thought she'd haft ta be greek like me since we was cousins. Maybe french and greeks the same thing. 
Anyways, yesterday Mischa  thought maybe she would have like a date with herself and go to the doctor on the date. It didnt sound right when she first told us, but we rolled with it.
So she gets up extra early to go sweat and pant in the woods, and I played like I was still sleepin! I feel guilty about it now, but that's what I did. So then when she gets back she's all zoomin around while me and B still has sleep in our eyes and are walkin around sorta wobbly like. B says me and her is goin to get bread, and we leaves. Next thing I know we're going from one store to another, and B keeps bumpin into people who want to yak, and I'm thinkin, where's the bread? All I sees comin  into the car is big wood sticks and little shiny metal sticks. You know B's a buildin fanatic... 
Anyway about a month or so later we get back to the house and the phone is red hot and flashin like its havin a major emergency or something. And then it it starts ringing, and B picks it up and its ole Mischa who's been waitin on us for an hour cause we run off with the ferry tickets! Inadvertent ofcourse. But it still made ole Mischa sore, she says she is overly combustible sometimes, and this morning was one of them. But we gotta hand it to ya Mischa, you played it real cool with us, we didnt feel no fingers pointin in our direction, so hats off to ya girl. 
So Mischa says she was on this date with herself so as she could get some good drawin time in. And that was the good news for the morning. There's gonna be three pieces of good news, to counter balance the bad news, cause that helps me cope disasters. When she gets off that ferry as per usual there's at least one tourist in an enormous SUV that's got ta race you up the road, and that drives us all crazy. I'm glad I wasn't  there cause the traffic makes me shake, as I think I have mentioned. But Mischa says she dealt with it ok and just let whoever was in the biggest hurry, get in front of her. that's new. 
Apparently Mischa forgot about the thing that was growin on her ole thyroid last year, cause when she got to the docs office, he pulled out the big guns and started examining things real up close and personal. She said she had a sonogram, which sounded kinda fun, kinda like gettin in touch with our whale cousins. On accounta the room got real dark and the doc was sendin echo-waves or something like that into Mischa's neck and Mischa's neck was talkin back! But then the ole doc he looks at her and says, um, I gotta poke these things a bit, wait right here. Then he goes and gets two young girls who Mischa said were about 10 or 11 years old. She dint think they was really old enough to be workin, especially in a doctors office, but there they were. They were pleasant enough, but just not high confidence-buildin in the situation. Fortuantely it was not the young girls that did the pokin the needles into Mischa's neck, it was the doc. She said it didnt hurt as much in fact as it did her in theory. I think she means she could kinda envision what he was doin like she was hoverin above herself watchin him, and that was much more painful. 
The idea of it, needles in your neck egads, people! Anyways he puts these two real big bandaids on her throat so as she could milk the sympathy thing when she got home, which she did!
But first she had to get home, which she did but only after an eternity. Right when Mischa gets to the ferry line its like miles away from the dock, translated, hours till sailing, plus the fog was lurking in the morning which put the whole days schedule off course. "It was a bundle of catastrophes!" Mischa said.  That tourist traffic on the weekends is annoyin. We think we locals should have an express lane, like them executives do in the penthouse offices in the city. Why not? Ain't we special? 
So Mischa said she remembered what I told her about rollin with, whatever 'it' was... and she took herself right outtat that car, and marched herself into the Ivars Seafood Restarant, and bellied up to that bar and ordered herself a Mac and Jack and somea them fish tacos! Vegan goes right out the window apparently when any turmoil is afoot. The good and bad news is turmoil is often afoot!
Mischa said this young woman bellied up to the bar around the same time, and she was also all hot under the collar about the whole day becoming about the ferry line. She asks the bartender for a red wine, and he starts to  pour it and she looks over at Mischa with that huge glass of cold beer and says, "no no make that a vodka double with a splash a soda!"
The two a them starts yakin to pass the time and Mischa said they had synchronicity at the bar! She said the lady was also a painter who didn't paint much no more, and was also writin a book, and juggling a bunch a stuff in her life to stay afloat. And Mischa told the lady about the Artists Way books, and the lady felt like she had died and gonged  heaven, or something like that... 
When Mischa got home me and B showered her with affection and she started perkin up right away, she milked it a little more, but not too bad. Then we all got into the car and went to the annual Weenie Roast at Troy's house. Is this one of my favorite annual event? Yes it is. Them ladies highly weenie-worthy. Only thing is this year we got there so late, almost all the weenies was eatin. But there is always weenies in the grass if you got a good nose I like I do, it's a gold mine over there. Also there was a dog at the party who looked a lot like my cousins in New Mexico Mister Kosmos (he's greek) and his wife Rio who is not by the way from Brazil proper. 
And  watch out! get this! the tables was suddenly turned! Aint life interestin! Instead a that terrior checkin me out and sniffn around my unmentionable areas, I was sniffin her out! Mischa caught me in the act, en flagrante delecto I think they call it. I siad, "Mischa mea culpa momma!" "What could I do ? Some kinda deep rooted  instinctual ancestral thing popped up on accounta bein out there in the woods, at night, around the fire n all. Things happen!
Well gotta go, Mischa and me got fair duty this morning. We gotta go guard the corn dogs. Not sure what that is, I am hoping it is something to eat, but it might be an art project. Hmmm didn't I eat an art project recently, and if I remember correctly it was delicious. Later
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