Monday, August 26, 2013


Day 45 Mon Aug 26 Zoe’s Morning Pages

OK. So I got myself in a little trouble yesterday and now
I have to contemplate my next move. That open studio thing was happening for the second day in a row, and so I set up my ‘donation’ jar further down the drive. Yes I did it so as not to be in view of the overseer! Seeing as I got in a heap of trouble the day before for what Mischa called bilking and I called busking. Details!
First of all, not one measly canine showed up!
Therefore, my jar was totally empty at the end of the day. And I was starvin. No one even looked twice at me. It was like I was invisible. I hate when that happens.
Second Mischa did discover me, cause I was so bored I fell asleep and didnt hear her callin me, so she came lookin for me all concerned and then spies my jar! I was not bilkin or buskin I was busted!
So all night I was restless countin creeps over and over tryin to go to sleep, but it didnt work, things just started to get really really noisy in my head.  Suddenly, I got the bright idea, that if, perhaps, under a certain set of circumstances, and if the fates looked favorably on the idea...I might just move outta here, go to the city and get myself a job. I mean, why not? I got talent.
I heard them talkin one time about a biscuit factory. I know I qualify to work there. And if I got myself gainfully employed, I could, theoretically have as many biscuits as my wallet would allow.
I could quit this side-show of a life I have goin on every dang weekend and get respectable employment. Of course I would have to take Mischa and B with me, cause I still don’t have my license....but they might come! I hear Mischa talkin about how she wishes she could walk to town and drink those little coffees with her pals.
Now I sure would miss all this fresh air and all them farm animals that gives off those real pungent smells!
But I think I could get use to car fumes and factory smoke; conveyor belts and grinding metal; honkin cars and road rage; traffic jams and dark alleys; concrete jungles en such!
Wait a minute wait a minute. What am I sayin.
There’s got to be a better way. Think Zoe think!
You want biscuits, and plenty of em. You want independence so as you can have them biscuits when, where and in the quantity you so desire. What can you what can you do?
Hey there’s an echo in here!  My mind is gettin bossier and bossier this week. I think I got to say a prayer or something, I got to pull my self together, I need help!
So after I couldn’t take my mind one second longer I offered this up to thin air, where I assume God lives.
“God, if you can hear me, which I am fairly sure you can, please give me some help, some direction, as I am feelin like a lost lamb and I didn’t even have no ewe mama.”
You will not believe what happened next! Mischa comes into the room and cozies up to me. She starts pettin me all over with special attention behind my ears, which j’adore. Then she looks down and after a particularly long and heart-felt string of butter butter cream cream sugar sugar...says: “Zoemou, I think you and me need some help.”  “Help, did you say help?” I asks her. “Yeah like we need some direction in our lives.” “Direction, you said directions?” “Zoe why are you repeating everything I say honey?” “Mischa” I says “I am repeating everything you say cause you, my dear mother, you have just answered a prayer!”
And she got this big beamin smile acrosst her snout like she was feelin the love! “Zoe, you and I are going on a diet!” “Yikes, Mischa, a diet?” “Yes, this is how we are going to solve a whole bunch of problems in front of us right now. I know you are gettin quite obsessed with your biscuits. You’re hoardin them, and devising unsavory schemes in order to get more, and worrying about gettin caught, cause you know you re doing the wrong thing. If we just set our minds on bein content with what we have, I think that ole obsession of yours might just subside. Shall we give it a go?” she says.
Well I thought on it for a good long while. Then I jumped of the couch and let her I know it was time for she and I to go for a run, no biscuit required...
And that’s where I am off to right now, so....later.
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