Thursday, September 26, 2013

Day 77 Fri Sep 27 the fog

Day 77 Fri Sep 27 Zoe’s Morning Pages

Ya know, when you’re little, lots a stuff rattles yer bones. Like the fog for example, I admit it, it scares me! But that ain’t all. When the fog sets in, all them thoughts which I was able to keep at bay, they starts settin in too.
They hide in there, under them white blankets and then creep out and start pokin at ya.
Like for example, it use ta be totally safe to say...go to school, or the laundramat, or the shoppin mall, or for airplane ride....but now it’s like every cowboy for hisself out there. And I never even let this enter my undulatin grey matter until that ole fog starts surroundin me. Grey day = grey thoughts in my world.
I seen ole Mischa readin one a them big black and white sheets the other day...and I look up and first thing I notice is some yahoo from the NRA statin his opinion.
If I were queen, I wouldn’t let anyone who thinks it’s a bright idea to carry a gun, even share any other bright idea he or she might come up with. But nevertheless Mischa says this here is a free society and people is allowed to speak their minds, so this guy’s speakin his in big bold print. He says, if we all was allowed to carry guns wherever we was, then when anybody pulled one out, fixin to kll ya, you could pull yers out and kill em first. (big pause and lots a scrathin)

I’m sorry I can’t seem to follow that logic too good. I keep askin Mischa to explain it, but she gets all steamy and starts growlin. I worry she’s gonna keel over from heart stroke or somethin. She says  the new merikan mantra is a ‘gun in every holster a holster on every tot!’ Or something like that...
Bottom line for me is, that is downright frightening!

When I put  my holster on I am 100% in fantasy land. I don’t mean nothing by it! I ain’t fixin to kill nobody and I aint expectin no body to run over and kill me neither.
Furthermore I’d  be expectin it a lot less if nobody was allowed to have all them firearms strapped to all their body parts in the first place. I might set my sights on lassoin a few a them rabbits, but truth be told, I let em all go right afterwards. I is all lasso and release, just like my fly-fishin cousins in wyoming!
Speakin a lassoes I heard we was headed for new mexico, and like Mischa always says, not the old one the new one. I don’t have any idea what she means when she says that but she thinks its funny so I laugh to keep on her good side on accounta she gets all stressed when it’s comin down to the wire gettin us all in that car and headin out to the new mexico.
I understand I got four cousins there and they all is waitin on me. I hope I’s there long enough to establish liasons. Cause if I remember correctly they got a peckin order, and last time I had to sorta fend off some aggressive behaviors in order to coexist.
Then all a sudden like i get this black thought enterin my head. “Hey, I got a bright idea” I says to myself... “I could carry a gun! Then if any a them started anything untoward, KABOOM, end of argument.”
That sounds civil don’t it? Ain’t I a citizen of the u.s.a? And ain’t I covered by the constitution?
Mischa overheard me rantin like that and she said “ZOE! now see what happens when ya start readin the newspaper, you get all sorts a bad ideas swimmin around yer head, now you just put that down!”

Mischa says I need to redefine bearin arms, so as I don’t get myself into hot water. She says I should just take off my dog suit and expose my limbs to the fresh air. She says gun totin ain’t part a our family tradition. And she says them cousins in the new mexico is nothin but warm light clearin the fog away from my shoulders, if I would just agree to see it that way.

Hey, I can do that, but right now, I gotta go dig up and old bone and reposition it for the winter. Later       .  

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