Sunday, September 22, 2013

Day 72 Circle of Miracles Anchovy and Burying and Unburying the Dead

Day 72 Sun Sept 22 Zoe’s Morning Pages
Burying and Unburying the Dead

Morning to you, self. Well well well, we had a visit from an old friend and an earful of information I am still processing. Apparently our friend had a pup who for one reason or another decided it was time to investigate the other side, if you know what I mean. And so he got real down in the dumps all a sudden and went to sleep. That’s what them pups do when they’s done bein here, seems natural to me, but somehow our persons don’t always see it that way. Anyhows that pup had a girlfriend who liked him real well, real real well. In fact she dint like nobody no dog no person like she liked this pup. So the girlfriend she spies her guy layin real still and she goes and lays down next to him. She’s sniffin and sniffin and then she starts whimperin. The people who lived with these pups had to bury the one who passed and so they dug him a spot right outside their window and they laid him down in there. Well next morning that girlfriend a his, had him all dug back up! Not only that she was a lickin on his snout and lickin on his eyes over and over. So the people had to run out and put that old boy dog back into the earth. But it took five burials before they got him in for good, cause that girl dog was not about to let go a him. They’d put em in, she’d dig em out. Our friend said she moped around for three months after that dog died, in fact, she said she still ain’t over it all the way.
Mischa told me about the little cat she had named anchovy who got run over by a car in Philadelphia. “They may call it the city of brotherly love, but somebody run right over that sister with no mercy what so ever.” Mischa said. She was squirtin water outta her cheeks when she told me about it. She says it took her three days to bury that little cat, she dint want to let her go neither. She drove all over that city tryin to find her a good restin spot. Finally her friends said “Mischa, ya gotta put that cat to rest!” So she went and buried ole anchovy up on a hill in the park overlookin the whole metropolis.
Sometimes I think people fall so intensely in love with their cats and dogs on accounta they forget how to fall in love with themselves all the way. Ole B’s always talkin about how people don’t think they deserve love. And Mischa said one time she went to talk to this guy named Bruce who was a real good listener and Bruce said, ‘you know you are loved and you are loveable.’ And right then and there, in front a this complete stranger ole Mischa got to sobbin and snifflin and shakin real bad. But when she was all done she said, ‘no I didn’t know and I didn’t know I didn’t know.’
Mischa likes to say things in multiples a lot. Ya know she studied that phenomenology in college, and they all talk like that to one and other. I guess they like reverb and echos as well. I do too really. I ain’t quite as existential as she is though, not most days.
Anyways Mischa confided in me the other day that she still feels guilty on accounta her mother and father is buried in two different cities instead right next to each other like they had planned. She dreams a lot about unburying her mom and loadin her into a station wagon and puttin her back in pixburg with her dimitri and all them other relatives.
She says it’s against the law, but she figures there’s got to be a way around it. After all, it’s hard enough to communicate clearly to someone standin right next to you, if you gotta talk to your person and he’s a thousand miles away, that’s a lot a extra energy, especially for someone’s already downunder!
Well all I got to say is, remember it’s all a miracle, livin, and dyin, one big circle a miracles.       .   
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