Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Day 76 Thur Sep 26 Zoe’s Morning Pages

OK call me obssessssed, I am. I am waking up in the morning and instead of blue there’s thick grey lurking overhead. And it starts creepin into the window, even if ya got it closed real tight. It finds a tiny crack and in it comes! Mischa got the heat on all day now. I have no idea where my sunglasses are or my shorts anymore and really there’s no reason to go lookin for em either cause fall as fallen on me.  I guess the mom’s have packed all the summer stuff away. It’s like a switch got flipped. And being short is a disadvantage when it comes to them switches I can’t see half of em and the ones I can see I can’t reach. When I was younger, beings as I am part jack..., I could jump like a flea way up high. It use ta scare people cause I could do it without warnin. One time one a my cousins (also a jack) jumped up so high and so fast he went and busted his mom’s nose!. And worse yet she was at the door lettin in this guy who was takin her on the first date she had had in ten years! Oy vey, talk about tsouris she had it. That poor cousin a mine he was a hangin that head down real low for a long time.
Anyways we went over to our friends the other B’s house, that’s where the black lab with the telltale chow tongue lives. Everybody’s on high alert over there when I come on accounta clipsy has a hang up over food. I know you would say “look who’s talkin!” But I mean she got a real hangup...She’s real sweet en all but you cross her when it comes to food, and that queeen will have your head! No kiddin!
So I got a big dish a stir fried (except Mischa boiled it...) steak that the mom’s bought special for me. It was delicious and so I was able to keep outta the kitchen over at the other B’s house and therefore was able to arrive back home with my head in tact.
Them ladies was havin some sort of reunion with another coupla gals from up north so there was plenty a story tellin at the table. They call it catchin up. I would think you couldn’t catch ‘up’ cause it ain’t a ball or a monkey it’s a direction, but the kept sayin that was what they was doin. And like I said I can’t always see everything that’s goin on, and that was truly over my head! Then they all got real hunkered down over some drawings somebody pulled out and the next thing I knew people was pointin and make perfect circles with their snouts. So I talked Mischa into gettin me up on her lab so I could get a peak. Man alive, there was a dragon who was poppin right outta the page and flying all around the table. I mean talk about woo woo, people.
Them greeks got nothin on whoever pulled that little magic trick outta her hat! It scared me a little too. I got back down real quick and found a warm chair, and tucked myself all up into it.
Them girls think alligators is scary! I am headed for them gators even faster now that I know there’s dragon up here. At least them gators stays on the ground, ya got a good shot a out-runnin them. Now dragons, that’s a whole other universe there, I don’t think a pup my size would fair to good against one a them beasts.
So I curled up in that red chair and I did some serious visualizin. I conjured me up another  beach, two  chairs, a warm sun, and sheets of turquoise water tickling the edge of the sand.
Hey I hear the car keys rattlin, gotta run. Later.       .
Zoe's Cards  are $6 each or. Available in boxed sets of 5 for $25.

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