Monday, September 16, 2013


Day 66 Mon Sept 16 Zoe’s Morning Pages

Ok good morning, I am bleary eyed and tired around all my edges this a.m. Why you might ask...Well last night was football night and we went to something called a bar. I thought we were goin out for candy bars, but I was mistaken. Hey I ain’t complainin cause right when they was mobilizin to go, which ofcourse I have my sixth sense antennaes way up when that’s goin on...when they was mobilizin, that low rumblin noise was startin up in the sky again. I hate the rumblin noise, and it’s accompanying lightups. Scares me to the core! So they scooped me up and hustled me down the steps and into the car. It was rainin so they was bein extra nice, seeins as I hate to get my feet wet. 
When we first got to where we was headed though, they left me in the car and locked the door! I’m like “hey people ain’t you forgettin your best friend over here, hello hello.” Apparently nobody heard me and they disappeared into an old shack. sooner did they ditch me then it starts rocknandrollin up there in the sky. The car was jigglin and I had to dig a big hole in the seat in order to calm my nerves, which never did get calmed until I see ole B comin outta the shack to rescue me. And yes I did hear Aretha singin in the background, thank you for askin.
So I get in the shack and all kinds a people I knew was in there, and Mischa had foraged remnants of meat from everybody’s plate and I had a steady stream a morsels comin my way for an hour! Roxy left me a whole side a beef practically! I was stylin in the food department.
But then...another 4 hours or a month or maybe longer went by and I was still under the table being quiet and polite. Them gals was jumpin up and down and wavin at one of them rectangles someone had hung high up on a wall. I guess they was havin a real good time, but i was miserable!
At one point Mischa looked down and saw how depressed I was and said “Now Zoe, honey, ya gotta take the good with bad.”  And then I said “Seriously?” And she said “Didn’t you just enjoy a windfall of delicacies?”
To which I replied “OMG how soon we forget, mea culpa, forgive me.” And I laid back down and had myself a good long dream about repasts and such.
Hey speakin a dreams, this morning I had a scary one. Me and some little kinda geeky kid was stuck on an elevator and it was all hot and the air was runnin outta space. Somehow though, I magically transported myself out and then spent a long time frantically tryin to get somebody to spring the kid free. You know it aint easy being a dog.
Most people never bother to look down long enough to catch yer drift. Anyways I got exhausted  and woke up. Today I am gonna go shoppin for some stilts, I got get eye to eye with these people.
Hey, it’s breakfast time, and I hear dishes rattlin. So see ya later.       .   
Zoe's Cards  are $6 each or. Available in boxed sets of 5 for $25.
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