Sunday, September 29, 2013


Day 79 Sun Sep 29 Zoe’s Morning Pages

Wind in my hair. Ooops I dont got hair! Well I’m picturin wind in my hair, figuratively speakin. Mischa says that’s like makin a picture poem, so as you got a lot of license to be imaginative. And I’m all about havin licenses. I spent years naggin Mischa about gettin one for me. She finally conceded, so now I drive all around the island when no body’s lookin! Ya know we live in a forest...and if a little dog drives around in a forest and nobody sees could kinda tell the cop she wasn’t really drivin, or something like that, on accounta trees fall all the time in the forest and when no body sees em, they say maybe they didnt really fall. (long pause and a lot a scratchin)

Where was I goin with this? Oh yeah we’re leavin town and I mean real soon. It’s been a frenzy around our place, with people comin and goin.  There’s piles a stuff everywhere that keeps gettin moved around. It’s nerve rackin! I like a little consistency in my life, routines, things a dog can count on. Around here you’d think doin the same thing twice was a capital crime! I think that’s like a crime in big letters for emphasis, or something like that.

I mean first of all, they, my mom’s, both acknowledge... we kinda just got here...and now we’re leavin. What do they think is gonna happen to all them bones out front?
That black dog up the hill could have em all dug up and eaten before I get back! And I been leavin notes for that dog that found the rabbit in the park, and she writes back pretty much every day!  Who knows what havoc the winter rains will reek on them notes before I return? Eek, are we sure about this comin and goin and comin and goin thing?

Ole b hates leavin on accounta her multitude a projects. Mischa says them projects is like the loaves and the fishes...they keep multiplyin before her very eyes! Now I have no idea what she is talkin about when she says that, but I think it has something to do with the chinese guy who changed our oil in pacifica last month.

Mischa also says, despite her genetic tendancy to gravitate to sun and warmth...she is feelin real torn about headin south right now on accounta leavin some a her pals behind. She says sometimes she thinks she’ll just bolt out the door and fly on down the highway without even huggin them all goodbye on accounta it hurts too much. Yeah gettin yanked away aint no good.
“But on the other hand” she always says, “we got art to sell and metal discs and papers to collect in order to keep the home fires burnin and the roof from fallen down on us.”
So we are headin out. And I do feel the wind in my hair.
I do feel our friends wishin us well and I do plan on havin a good long string a adventures all across the merika, thank you george, I love that word! It’s fun to say. Later       .
Zoe's Cards  are $6 each or. Available in boxed sets of 5 for $25.

Write to her mom with your favorites               or visit us at KARTHIA.COM

Saturday, September 28, 2013

day 78 penguin in the car or gong to california

Day 78 Sat Sep 28 Zoe’s Morning Pages

Hey Ho....or is it Hi Ho!  I know it’s hi ho silver...if you is ridin a horse in them dunn-colored hills of california. But just sayin heloo...might be better to say Hey Ho. Then agin, somebody could mistake that for some sorta low insult, but I dint mean it that way. Don’t matter anyways on accounta I’m sittin here talkin to myself. And if a person, or in my case a dog was to sit around and insult themself, well cheez knees, that would not be too smart, now would it? But come to think of it...we do spend a good amount a time sittin around insultin ourselves. We are just incredibly clever about it. Like yesterday I was tryin to jump up on the couch and take my nap....and, like so many other times....I kept on fallin back down onto the floor. Then Mischa hears me and runs over and gives me a boost. It happens alot right after I managed to vacuum up some big found morsel. Seems like it goes straight on down to my hips and I get real bottom heavy and then my jumpin ability is seriously impaired. Anyways what I was gettin at was that when this happens, I find myself mutterin underneath my breath ( I guess that’s like talkin real quiet on accounta your breathe is smotherin your words, or something like that)...mutterin “zoe! what kinda poor excuse are you for a jumpin breed?”  And I consider that to be an insult. And on reflection I think that’s wrong. I got to be kinder to myself. I’s old! I got to cut myself some breaks!
Then a few days back I was diggin and diggin in the yard. And ole B saw me and she thought it was real cute, she told Mischa I was half way to china! But I wasn’t headin for china. In fact I had totally forgotten where I was headed. Furthermore I forgot why I was headed where I didn’t know I was headed! And I said “zoe, you is confused girl you is all mixed up, get it together!”  And now on reflection I am thinkin that is wrong to insult my self like that. A girl is entitled to forget a thing or two now and then. I got a lot goin on! Just like sureluck homes says, he don’t want to clutter up his beautiful mind with trivia, me neither! Besides, I’s old!
Speakin a old...I got a big long list a things to do and places to go and people to see! And bein old is just a state a mind. Well being old is that and a pack a problems you never thought’d creep up on ya but did, behind your back too I might add! But I’m plannin on a long and luxurous journey to the southwest and then I’m hoppin a train on out to california, then I’m headed on down to the everglades to lay on my back and wait for roseate spoonbills to fly by! I think I’ll hold off on gettin too old too fast on accounta I got a lot do!
Hey Mischa just plopped a little penguin in the back seat of my car! I hope she ain’t thinkin about tellin that penguin joke’d be like the one pizillionth time.
But lookin at it closer, I guess it’s kinda cute! And besides, now I have a bird buddy to travel with. I was hopin for a puffin, but hey ho, a penguin will do.
Got to go start my engine. Later.       .
Zoe's Cards  are $6 each or. Available in boxed sets of 5 for $25.

Write to her mom with your favorites               or visit us at KARTHIA.COM

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Day 77 Fri Sep 27 the fog

Day 77 Fri Sep 27 Zoe’s Morning Pages

Ya know, when you’re little, lots a stuff rattles yer bones. Like the fog for example, I admit it, it scares me! But that ain’t all. When the fog sets in, all them thoughts which I was able to keep at bay, they starts settin in too.
They hide in there, under them white blankets and then creep out and start pokin at ya.
Like for example, it use ta be totally safe to say...go to school, or the laundramat, or the shoppin mall, or for airplane ride....but now it’s like every cowboy for hisself out there. And I never even let this enter my undulatin grey matter until that ole fog starts surroundin me. Grey day = grey thoughts in my world.
I seen ole Mischa readin one a them big black and white sheets the other day...and I look up and first thing I notice is some yahoo from the NRA statin his opinion.
If I were queen, I wouldn’t let anyone who thinks it’s a bright idea to carry a gun, even share any other bright idea he or she might come up with. But nevertheless Mischa says this here is a free society and people is allowed to speak their minds, so this guy’s speakin his in big bold print. He says, if we all was allowed to carry guns wherever we was, then when anybody pulled one out, fixin to kll ya, you could pull yers out and kill em first. (big pause and lots a scrathin)

I’m sorry I can’t seem to follow that logic too good. I keep askin Mischa to explain it, but she gets all steamy and starts growlin. I worry she’s gonna keel over from heart stroke or somethin. She says  the new merikan mantra is a ‘gun in every holster a holster on every tot!’ Or something like that...
Bottom line for me is, that is downright frightening!

When I put  my holster on I am 100% in fantasy land. I don’t mean nothing by it! I ain’t fixin to kill nobody and I aint expectin no body to run over and kill me neither.
Furthermore I’d  be expectin it a lot less if nobody was allowed to have all them firearms strapped to all their body parts in the first place. I might set my sights on lassoin a few a them rabbits, but truth be told, I let em all go right afterwards. I is all lasso and release, just like my fly-fishin cousins in wyoming!
Speakin a lassoes I heard we was headed for new mexico, and like Mischa always says, not the old one the new one. I don’t have any idea what she means when she says that but she thinks its funny so I laugh to keep on her good side on accounta she gets all stressed when it’s comin down to the wire gettin us all in that car and headin out to the new mexico.
I understand I got four cousins there and they all is waitin on me. I hope I’s there long enough to establish liasons. Cause if I remember correctly they got a peckin order, and last time I had to sorta fend off some aggressive behaviors in order to coexist.
Then all a sudden like i get this black thought enterin my head. “Hey, I got a bright idea” I says to myself... “I could carry a gun! Then if any a them started anything untoward, KABOOM, end of argument.”
That sounds civil don’t it? Ain’t I a citizen of the u.s.a? And ain’t I covered by the constitution?
Mischa overheard me rantin like that and she said “ZOE! now see what happens when ya start readin the newspaper, you get all sorts a bad ideas swimmin around yer head, now you just put that down!”

Mischa says I need to redefine bearin arms, so as I don’t get myself into hot water. She says I should just take off my dog suit and expose my limbs to the fresh air. She says gun totin ain’t part a our family tradition. And she says them cousins in the new mexico is nothin but warm light clearin the fog away from my shoulders, if I would just agree to see it that way.

Hey, I can do that, but right now, I gotta go dig up and old bone and reposition it for the winter. Later       .  

Zoe's Cards  are $6 each or. Available in boxed sets of 5 for $25.
Write to her mom with your favorites               or visit us at KARTHIA.COM

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Day 76 Thur Sep 26 Zoe’s Morning Pages

OK call me obssessssed, I am. I am waking up in the morning and instead of blue there’s thick grey lurking overhead. And it starts creepin into the window, even if ya got it closed real tight. It finds a tiny crack and in it comes! Mischa got the heat on all day now. I have no idea where my sunglasses are or my shorts anymore and really there’s no reason to go lookin for em either cause fall as fallen on me.  I guess the mom’s have packed all the summer stuff away. It’s like a switch got flipped. And being short is a disadvantage when it comes to them switches I can’t see half of em and the ones I can see I can’t reach. When I was younger, beings as I am part jack..., I could jump like a flea way up high. It use ta scare people cause I could do it without warnin. One time one a my cousins (also a jack) jumped up so high and so fast he went and busted his mom’s nose!. And worse yet she was at the door lettin in this guy who was takin her on the first date she had had in ten years! Oy vey, talk about tsouris she had it. That poor cousin a mine he was a hangin that head down real low for a long time.
Anyways we went over to our friends the other B’s house, that’s where the black lab with the telltale chow tongue lives. Everybody’s on high alert over there when I come on accounta clipsy has a hang up over food. I know you would say “look who’s talkin!” But I mean she got a real hangup...She’s real sweet en all but you cross her when it comes to food, and that queeen will have your head! No kiddin!
So I got a big dish a stir fried (except Mischa boiled it...) steak that the mom’s bought special for me. It was delicious and so I was able to keep outta the kitchen over at the other B’s house and therefore was able to arrive back home with my head in tact.
Them ladies was havin some sort of reunion with another coupla gals from up north so there was plenty a story tellin at the table. They call it catchin up. I would think you couldn’t catch ‘up’ cause it ain’t a ball or a monkey it’s a direction, but the kept sayin that was what they was doin. And like I said I can’t always see everything that’s goin on, and that was truly over my head! Then they all got real hunkered down over some drawings somebody pulled out and the next thing I knew people was pointin and make perfect circles with their snouts. So I talked Mischa into gettin me up on her lab so I could get a peak. Man alive, there was a dragon who was poppin right outta the page and flying all around the table. I mean talk about woo woo, people.
Them greeks got nothin on whoever pulled that little magic trick outta her hat! It scared me a little too. I got back down real quick and found a warm chair, and tucked myself all up into it.
Them girls think alligators is scary! I am headed for them gators even faster now that I know there’s dragon up here. At least them gators stays on the ground, ya got a good shot a out-runnin them. Now dragons, that’s a whole other universe there, I don’t think a pup my size would fair to good against one a them beasts.
So I curled up in that red chair and I did some serious visualizin. I conjured me up another  beach, two  chairs, a warm sun, and sheets of turquoise water tickling the edge of the sand.
Hey I hear the car keys rattlin, gotta run. Later.       .
Zoe's Cards  are $6 each or. Available in boxed sets of 5 for $25.

Write to her mom with your favorites               or visit us at KARTHIA.COM

Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Day 75 Wed Sept 25 Zoe’s Morning Pages

Oops and hello and did I stick my paw in my snout or what yesterday. Hey people listen what I was tryin to say was that them blue blue eyes use to have a bad association for them greeks and they grew a whole pile a superstitions around them. But like I said them days is over! Mischa says greeks invented woo-woo. And I said “woo-woo?” scratchin just about every part I could reach searchin for meanin...”can you elaborate on that term please?”
She goes on to explain it like we was in some big academy and I was signed up to be her disciple!
She sits down all cross-legged like they do in the ashram, and gets me a little pillow to plunk down on, then she begins her dissertation. I’m thinkin hey... a simple definition of terms would be sufficient...but no, the great elaborator has been summoned and their ain’t no slowin down that train. Cheez pizza what can a worms did I let loose!
“Zoe, in the beginning there were energies of every nature swirling around in the atmosphere. Both good and evil, you see. Always was like this! Now some organisms gravitated to the good and others to the evil.
When humans, and fyi dogs too, came along they were no exception. So as time passed and the great greek civilization began to emerge, the question of these forces became of prime importance to the philosophers. Because before the greeks, philosophers were few and far between. There had been no organization of thinkers. But with the Helens came a pulling together of minds, and the great gift of philosophy was handed to the world. Socrates Democrites Antisthenes Isocrates Xenophones Plato Diogenes, and of course Aristotle the walking and talking, wandering philosopher on ethics, aesthetics, logic, science, politics and metaphysics!
And beside these men there were plenty of brilliant women too, but somehow they got left out of the history books.  That’s a whole other story.
So anyways, in the long and rich chronicle of the culture much of the foundation of woo woo was laid down. And it is upon this foundation that modern day woo woos have built their own philosophies of life, complete with magical powers and mystical ruminations.
“Mischa” I pleaded “can you get to the examples of woo woo thinking, I sorta got an agenda for the day and this is throwin off my schedule!” So she goes on to give me the top ten list and it was eye openin!
1.  If you should be in any way in danger of gettin the evil eye ya got to quick spit three times, on your own self and say ‘skordtho!’ real emphatic like, (that means ‘garlic’) and further if you know the person who you is with at the time you are wardin off the evil eye, ya got to ask them to spit on you three times too! 
Egad people?
2. Steer clear a crows, they’s bad news harbingers
3. Keep some bat bones in your pocket for good luck
4. Whatever you do don’t keep any bat bones anywhere near you or your first born
5. Never leave any bread uneaten, especially if your yiayia made it
6. Always plant a cactus in an old feta container and put it at the front door, pokes them evil eyes out, should they come hauntin your doorstep
7. If you got company you’d like to get rid a, sprinkle salt behind their back
8. Keep salt with ya at all times, just in case
9. Never leave your wallet empty, cause money attracts money. You can bless peoples new cars by throwin coins in the back seat, works every time! Or if you don’t have a car, put the coins in the donkey’s saddlebag.
10. If ya want your mother in law to like you, eat the corner off the bread
Then she thought of one more I should know so added
#11. And for in-general safe keepin make yerself a filhata, a triangular shaped sachet, fill it with miscellaneous items of your choice but make sure one is blessed by someone, and then pin the thing to your shirt. If you’re a dog and don’t have a shirt, a collar will do.
And that there is the roots of woo woo in the western democratized societies!  Or so Mischa says...

I got to go. My garlic stock is runnin low. Later       .   
Zoe's Cards  are $6 each or. Available in boxed sets of 5 for $25.
Write to her mom with your favorites               or visit us at KARTHIA.COM


Day 74 Tues Sept 24 Zoe’s Morning Pages

So here I am standin on my own four feet, yet another day. That there is the good news. The bad news is, I coulda swore I saw snow flakes floatin down. I said to Mischa “Am I seein things? Is that or ain’t that snow?” And she says, “Zoe, that’s rain... it’s warm out!” I  knew it was warm-ish out...but I also know what I saw and I saw
sheets of white... lollygaggin their way down to earth. Now as far back as I can remember, rain never really lollygaged, it just came on down.
Well then we do live in the specific northwest and it is said that there are a thousand words for the kinda precipitation that comes outta the sky around here.
So she could have a point. But all tolled with the change in temperature, and the winds pickin up, and the clouds rollin in and leaves decidin they’s tired a hangin out on the branches, and the bees goin to sleep and the water gettin all stirred up....I’d say it’s thinkin about bein winter up here. And when that happens, I start dreamin of southern states... sun and dinin al fresca by the sea, chasin squirrels up trees and sightin alligators. I fancy my people takin me to the beach on the mild days and parkin me under a nice palm tree. I can see em go for a dip or two and then we’d be on a nice long walk. They’d do some studyin in their paperbacks and I’d do some nappin in the shade. Southern livin, that’s what I’m talkin about, when these here northerners are fixin to welcome winter I’m fixin on wavin bye bye.
People up here acts like they don’t know what I mean. Like the sun is the enemy of the civilized world. Like maybe I am of inferior stock on accounta my leanin toward the equator to get into my comfort zone. And I just shake my head like I believe they got a good point. But really just between me and me...I think that is some mole-ish behavior those people exhibit and it scares me!
They say they look forward to the sky turning from blue to dark grey. And they say when them clouds start wailin and droppin all them tears down on them, they say that is their great and welcome pleasure! They say they love tuckin themselves into their houses and stokin the fire for six months until they knock the chill out a the air. And to that I say..bye bye. I just don’t have the nerve for it. Call me weak, or call me chicken, I don’t mind, just don’t talk me into lingerin around here waitin for the full onslaught of winter to unfold. I can’t take it!
Also, just sayin, the people who love it up here in the winter, they are white as snow! Put a little rosy glow on their cheeks and they’re already in the car on the ferry speedin down the I-5 and headin for the skin doctor, to make sure they ain’t diein! Why they wear hats on their heads in their houses!
Egads people you might like a vacation on the dark side a the moon. Me, I’m thinkin carribean. But I’ll send postcards and you do the same. Cause despite our slight difference of opinion when it comes to the weather...I sure am gonna miss these fine specimens of  human beins while I’m away.
Hey speakin about specimens, I gotta find me some later.       .   
Zoe's Cards  are $6 each or. Available in boxed sets of 5 for $25.
Write to her mom with your favorites               or visit us at KARTHIA.COM

Sunday, September 22, 2013


Day 73 Mon Sep 23 Zoe’s Morning Pages
THE GARAGE SALE, sans le garage

Well if them people dint start linin up at the crack of dawn just like Mischa said they’d do, I’ll be all about a monkey’s uncle. Except as a girl dog I think I might not be qualified to be a monkey’s uncle. But I sure can be a monkey’s keeper. That screamin monkey Mischa bought me the other day is helpin me make friends with dogs all over the island. It’s irresistible. And that garage sale brought em in from every nook an cranny wherein they was hunkered down. My favorite was a black and white dog named cobalt. She looked spooky, cause you know us greeks is a little leery of anything with them real blue eyes, which she had two prime examples of. There’s a possibility of evil lurkin behind em. Goes back to em turks, but really them days is over. So cobalt looks like she could be real fierce like ole attila the hun, but she was sweet and we played tug a war for a whole hour. Her dad was real cute too and he and Mischa talked about flowers and paintings and grass clippins. Not sure how them topics all related to one and other but that was how the conversation went along and they seemed to be enjoyin just fine.
Ladies came from Germany and France and Canada and Coupeville to see the garage sale. Men came lookin for roto-tillers and engines and books. And women came lookin for nice glasses and drums, bikes and boots. Everybody had a story too so it was more like a party than a garage sale.
Now the only problem I had with the whole things was this...and it may not seem like a big problem to you, but to me ...well I’m havin a hard time with it: We ain’t got no garage. In fact, the first person who came, poor guy... he walked around the yard from buildin to buildin just scratchin his head and turnin his lips in a knot and then mutterin to his lady friend, something indecipherable. Mischa found him wanderin in the chicken coop and called out to him, “hey hello over there, are you looking for the garage sale?”  “Sure em” he told her. “Well, I hate to tell you but we don’t have a garage!”  Then she laughed at her own joke which she does alot, and it does annoy people, cause lots a times it aint really all that funny. Like this time, that old guy he dint think it was so funny.
Plus he was tired a walkin in circles, and was startin to feel kinda foolish. Then she says to him “But we got lots a things for sale in the car port, will that do?” 
B says Mischa likes rhetorical questions and asks them every chance she gets. I’m not sure if that was one, but it was a question that made all the people twist their heads in odd directions and I saw some eyes rollin too.
My problem with the thing is this, if ya go around at 6 oclock in the morning, with a pup who ain’t yet had her breakfast and start nailin up signs all over town announcin that you is havin a garage sale, I think the least you can do is have a garage! Mischa dint see it that way, obviously, cause she went right on doin it.
I guess this is an example of how she exaggerates to make a story more interestin. B don’t like it much when she does that, but she’s learnin to tolerate more an more as the years pass. Basically I think she dont really have no choice in the matter, cause Mischa aint gettin any better at tellin a story straight. In fact if anything I think she’s headin straight in the opposite direction. And furthermore this postin signs about a garage sale is evidence!
I forgive her though. Those signs brung people out on a chilly fall day, and they mingled themselves into new friendships. It wouldn’t a happened if Mischa hadn’t stretched the truth a notch or two. And me an ole blue eyes wouldn’t a met either!
Hey speakin a meetin, I got a date with chicken jerky (which fell  outta somebody’s pocket right into my bowl!)Later!       .   
Zoe's Cards  are $6 each or. Available in boxed sets of 5 for $25.
Write to her mom with your favorites               or visit us at KARTHIA.COM

Day 72 Circle of Miracles Anchovy and Burying and Unburying the Dead

Day 72 Sun Sept 22 Zoe’s Morning Pages
Burying and Unburying the Dead

Morning to you, self. Well well well, we had a visit from an old friend and an earful of information I am still processing. Apparently our friend had a pup who for one reason or another decided it was time to investigate the other side, if you know what I mean. And so he got real down in the dumps all a sudden and went to sleep. That’s what them pups do when they’s done bein here, seems natural to me, but somehow our persons don’t always see it that way. Anyhows that pup had a girlfriend who liked him real well, real real well. In fact she dint like nobody no dog no person like she liked this pup. So the girlfriend she spies her guy layin real still and she goes and lays down next to him. She’s sniffin and sniffin and then she starts whimperin. The people who lived with these pups had to bury the one who passed and so they dug him a spot right outside their window and they laid him down in there. Well next morning that girlfriend a his, had him all dug back up! Not only that she was a lickin on his snout and lickin on his eyes over and over. So the people had to run out and put that old boy dog back into the earth. But it took five burials before they got him in for good, cause that girl dog was not about to let go a him. They’d put em in, she’d dig em out. Our friend said she moped around for three months after that dog died, in fact, she said she still ain’t over it all the way.
Mischa told me about the little cat she had named anchovy who got run over by a car in Philadelphia. “They may call it the city of brotherly love, but somebody run right over that sister with no mercy what so ever.” Mischa said. She was squirtin water outta her cheeks when she told me about it. She says it took her three days to bury that little cat, she dint want to let her go neither. She drove all over that city tryin to find her a good restin spot. Finally her friends said “Mischa, ya gotta put that cat to rest!” So she went and buried ole anchovy up on a hill in the park overlookin the whole metropolis.
Sometimes I think people fall so intensely in love with their cats and dogs on accounta they forget how to fall in love with themselves all the way. Ole B’s always talkin about how people don’t think they deserve love. And Mischa said one time she went to talk to this guy named Bruce who was a real good listener and Bruce said, ‘you know you are loved and you are loveable.’ And right then and there, in front a this complete stranger ole Mischa got to sobbin and snifflin and shakin real bad. But when she was all done she said, ‘no I didn’t know and I didn’t know I didn’t know.’
Mischa likes to say things in multiples a lot. Ya know she studied that phenomenology in college, and they all talk like that to one and other. I guess they like reverb and echos as well. I do too really. I ain’t quite as existential as she is though, not most days.
Anyways Mischa confided in me the other day that she still feels guilty on accounta her mother and father is buried in two different cities instead right next to each other like they had planned. She dreams a lot about unburying her mom and loadin her into a station wagon and puttin her back in pixburg with her dimitri and all them other relatives.
She says it’s against the law, but she figures there’s got to be a way around it. After all, it’s hard enough to communicate clearly to someone standin right next to you, if you gotta talk to your person and he’s a thousand miles away, that’s a lot a extra energy, especially for someone’s already downunder!
Well all I got to say is, remember it’s all a miracle, livin, and dyin, one big circle a miracles.       .   
Zoe's Cards  are $6 each or. Available in boxed sets of 5 for $25.
Write to her mom with your favorites               or visit us at KARTHIA.COM

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Day 71 OOPS

Day 71 Sat Sept 21 Zoe’s Morning Pages

OMG! It happened! Three hours into her starin at the little screen, just scribblin and scribllin and smilin and chewin on that gum, then wam-bam in the blink of an eye...that dang Ipad ate Mischa’s drawing!  Oh I saw the whole thing cause I was layin at the foot of the bed on accounta I coughed and Mischa got all neurotic mommy about it. It was just a little goose feather from the pillow but I dint say nothin about that...just took the air lift in stride and settled into nice cozy curl.
So the big news is not that the drawing got disappeared into the abyss the big news is Mischa dint even growl!
She dint even say any words that sends people straight into the burnin fires of hell. She dint even grunt or sigh or yell out, nothin it was like total calm! I never saw anything like it. I thought, hey all that guru meditation stuff is payin off.
She just tapped me on the shoulder and said, “hey, guess what, my computer crashed and it took that drawing with it!”  “Crashed”  I thought “crashed into what?” “I didn’t see it budge. I guess there’s things goin on around that computer that don’t really abide by the same laws of physics that I do, cause when I crash you can see it and feel it!”
That old rectangle crashed very quietly and Mischa closed it’s lid and went to sleep, no muss no fuss.
When I heard her snorin, I went over and felt her forehead for fever.
Speakin a fevers yesterday Mischa took me for a long ride, and she was talkin about lunch. But when we got way up on this hill she parked me next to a big telescope and left me in the car! She said she tried to get me an invitation but it was not forthcomin so I had to stay put and  “take a nice nap,” she said. I’m thinkin did I have to come all this way into the middle of nowhere to take a nap?  NO. I did not. I really got to see about gettin my license.
Anyways I managed to find a way to get in and outta the car, that she don’t know about and I aint gonna reveal either, in the event that someone someday does read this... But I got out and sat underneath the window where she and her friends were eating salmon quiche, with a fresh salmon plucked from the sea not one mile from where we was. Talk about fresh and talk about jealous, yes and yes. But truth be told, Mischa did wrap a little piece up in a napkin for moi, so I can’t complain too loud.
Anyways I got an earful from ladies tellin stories about their lives. I never get such colorful messages out on the grass from my dog friends, they always make it real short and sweet. Like they might say “big ham bone for dinner on Tuesday, you?” or “the wife let me have her alpo last night! It had the lamb in it! Not the whole lamb...”  or “my person taught me how to ask for the biscuits in the green jar!”
But them ladies, now they had color in them stories: like sittin out in the middle of the forest all alone for three days waitin for messages form above; and havin friends who was tired a being boys so they decided to be girls and did; and pluckin bald eagles outta their chicken coups with their bare hands!  All kinds a things was gettin said in there.
That’s what Mischa was drawin a picture of when the bad rectangle opened up its mouth and swallowed it!

I guess everything wants to have a say, eh?  Well got to see a lady about a bone, so ....later.       .   
Zoe's Cards  are $6 each or. Available in boxed sets of 5 for $25.
Write to her mom with your favorites               or visit us at KARTHIA.COM

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Day70 The Chase and The Screamin Monkey

Day 70 Fri Sept 21 Zoe’s Morning Pages
THE CHASE, and  The Screamin Monke­y

O my. Mischa and I had fun today. I mean real fun. First of all, Mischa was playin chase with me all morning. Then she pulls out a new screamin monkey and it is fabulous. I wonder if Pink or Luna or them terriers or any them poodles in new mexico has one. It is one terrific toy. It has a cape and a mask and Mischa shoots it across the room like a sling shot. Then it makes like a tarzan /yoddling-chest-beatin-air-rushin-by sound. I run after it and get it in my teeth into it and just shake it like there aint no tomorrow.   Hey  that expression keeps poppin up. Now I am startin to get a little fed up with it. It’s doggin me, excuse me if I do say so myself.
Ok listen up. Today me and Mischa and ole B was layin in the grass lookin at the clouds go by and callin out the names of things we saw in the clouds, alla sudden Mischa pops up and says: “wait a minute wait a minute....if we all think birth is such a great mriacle, why don’t we consider death an equally great miracle?”
So our eyes start gettin real wide like we just had a great big  group Eureka. And me and B start dancin and singin and rejoicin, cause we all a sudden got a whole new outlook on the final event!
“It ain’t final, it ain’t so final”, we was singin!  (sung to the tune of  ‘i got rhythm’)  Mischa ran down to the house and grabbed her clarinet. Man she was swingin on that licorice stick! “It’s a ‘buffet’” she tells us, “a french horn!”  “Like it makes a difference?” me and ole B always ask her. “Yes it swings like jazz in Pairs in the 20’s, what could be better than that” she always replies.
And we always roll our eyes and laugh real loud, then Mischa laughs too. I personally think the name sound slike somethin havin to do with lunch, but what do I know?
It was just then when the phone rang and we all looks around at each other tryin to see who was gonna get it. But no one really wanted to be interrupted on accounta
ya never know when you’re gonna be in such a good mood again. So we let it just ring and ring “off the hook” that’s what Mischa says. I never saw the phone on the hook in the first place, but I guess she pictures it hung up like a coat jacket or something like that.  Speakin a coat jackets Mischa says she bought me a new brown sweater cause a the fall comin. I said “hey, are you bein one a them clear voyants and seein me take a tumble?”
“No” she says “the fall’s comin  as in the autumn, the cool weather time you silly butter cream.”
“Oh yeah, the fall, now I remember!  Ain’t there roasted chestnuts involved?” “Bring it on all that monkey business got me hungry!”  Later.       .   
Zoe's Cards  are $6 each or. Available in boxed sets of 5 for $25.
Write to her mom with your favorites               or visit us at KARTHIA.COM


Day 69 Thurs Sept 19 Zoe’s Morning Pages

Oh boy is my head turned around or what! Mischa was tryin to give me a quick tour d’arte the other day and I am still tryin to get my eyeballs back into position on accounta they rolled so far back into my head. She said her contact lenses do that all the time, but never her eyeballs which she is happy about cause she dont think she could get em to come back down like I do.  Really I’m not sure I’m gonna be all that successful at it either, and that’s makin me nervous. She said I was startin to look like a work of modern art myself! In fact she bought me a little t-shirt that looks like a motherwell. “Motherwell?” I asked her. “Yes dear” she said like I was a child or something, I minded that a little..., “he was one of the 20th century abstract expressionists, in fact he sort of started the whole movement!”
“O!” I said, like I got what she was sayin, which I didn’t.
Then she told me how that automatic drawin style he used was an effort to dig into the unconscious mind, scramblin around in there tryin to discover whatever it is that’s lurkin under yer surface. To this I replied “O!”
Then I asked her “is this what ole rosie’s doin with them doodles she takes to tasmania?”  Mischa said yes indeed it was, and ole rosie was makin some dang good progress diggin around in there too!
So now my world got expanded a bit with that discussion. In addition to writin down whatever’s floatin around in my head, I can make random marks on paper and learn about myself without even thinkin about it first! Hmmmm?
Well Mischa’s been doin all the drawin around here, so she must have like a ph.d. in self reflection at this point.
I asked her about it, but she said, she’s just barely scratched the surface. She said we’s deep. I believe it too
cause when I start askin myself questions, I find them answers can go on and on.  Like yesterday I says, ‘Zoe, what is it that makes you want to jump right up in the morning with all that joy in your heart?’ And when I started answerin I could hardly stop myself, there are reasons inside a reasons for that feelin. #1. when I wake up and realize I’m alive; #2 my person is laying just a few feet away; #3 my person looks down on me with a big smile on her face; #4 breakfast is imminent; #5 love is in the air, somewhere, and I got the nose for it; #6 I make Mischa’s heart open up and she does the same for me.
But gettin back to modern art. I think it’s something that more people might take an interest in if they knew it was a straight line into their psyches! Hey who don’t want to know their psyches better? Mine’s got some twists and turns I sure would like to shed light on.
Mischa says all the arts is a means a transportation into your soul!   I said to her “Well and if that ain’t deep missy what is, huh?” “Hand me a pencil will ya, I got some feelins in need of comin into form.”
I started make some doodles then I asked her, “if the drawins look like hamburgers does that mean I am or am not on the right track here?”
“Zoe!” she said. I ain’t sure what she meant by that. But I took my motherwell t-shirt, my new pencil and headed for the barkerlounger to do some diggin.
Jusqu'à ce que nous nous revoyions, as they say in France....until we meet again.       .   
Zoe's Cards  are $6 each or. Available in boxed sets of 5 for $25.
Write to her mom with your favorites               or visit us at KARTHIA.COM