Thursday, January 1, 2015

Zoe's Back- Another Year Another Bargain Jan 1 2015

Zoe’s Back, Another Year Another Bargain!

Happy New Year! as they say in humanland. Us dogs we prefer an extra exuberant wag and call it a day. Thing is, the night before New Years Day scares us! Some a them yahoos whose got licenses to shoot, shoots on and on. That frazzles dogs!
We dont see the point in settin off a nuclear reaction in our hammers and anvils, just to get the new year started.  Seems like howlin at the moon would be more, i dont know, organic, maybe.  I hear that word tossed around quite a bit, hope i used it properly. Anyways we got past all that racket. BTW (someone also mentioned there was a bunch a color in the nightsky accompanyin them shots, but hey... i dint notice nothin). Our new year started with a whole different kinda bang. We went shoppin at the Ace Hardware! Dogs is welcome there, and mischa couldn’t resist usin her $10 off coupon before it up and expired on us. Oh we bought all kindsa things we dint need so we could get the ten dollars off. I dint really follow her logic or her math neither, and i can count pretty good! She, apparently is slightly figure-challenged. Hey i mean no disrespect to her hips!  Strictly talkin numbers here. And since them fourbears a hers invented mathematics, i would expect a little more robust use a addin and substractin, but hey....she got plenty a other fine attributes. Also it sure made her happy and i got 2 free bones!
Last time we celebrated new years outside we was in naples florida with old shekina. My moms made an error in judgement and took me with them to the beach where there was so many yahoos shootin so many guns, i thought we was under siege. I ran right off that beach and hunkered down under some big old oak tree. I just laid there and shook like a rattler till old elizabeth came and found me!

Last night the two a them went out on some sorta date and left me at home to rest up. They came back in plenty a time to help me cover up my ears for when the shootin started. So I lived to tell about it today. They said they went to St Petersburg, and i was wonderin if they went to russia and back all in one night.
But they said no they dint go to russia, russia dont beleive in gay people! I dint really follow em, but that’s what they said.

Anyways based on the minimal number of growls emergin from behind the newspaper this morning, I think the moms might be edgin closer to gettin married in the most republican state of the union!
“See mischa” i told her “There is a Santa Clause!”

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