Saturday, January 3, 2015

Zoe's Back Alligator Alley and Beyond Jan 3 2015

Zoe's Back Alligator Alley and Beyond

Well I don't exactly know what part of. "I'm scared a alligators" they don't understand, but apparently it's the whole dang phrase goes over their heads. We took a real long road trip to the Atlantic Ocean to eat at some dog friendly vegan restaurant, HOWEVER en route, we kept stopping a them canals that's loaded with livin dinosaurs. And there's vultures hanging overhead while them reptiles are lurkin in the deep dark black water. Old elizabeth swoons at the water "ain't it beautiful" she's always askin. I never heard anyone answer her in the affirmative, just mentionin.
Anyways when they take that road that runs straight thru them everglades ... I start shakin as soon as the brakes goes on, cause I know their gonna stop the car and take me for a walk on the edge of the alligator abyss! For some reason they never notice I'm shakin like a baby's rattle until we're way too close to the water. Then usually mischa grabs me up and runs me back to the vehicle. By then I gotta take my heart medicine and a cool washcloth to my forehead. Cheese pizza people, when are they gonna get over this weird attraction to the dark side?
Even the fish in the water is terrified. They're always leapin up in the air and then ya see those two queer lookin knobby eyes poppin up about two feet away from a snout tip. Hey dint anyone tell them gators it's best to keep your eyes nearby your snout! They don't care, they live in their own private Idaho them gators.
Anyways old Mischa picked us an airbnb place , guess where! Right on a canal!  She promised me that there were no gators in it though... on accounta the ocean got assaulted, or something like that.
But we had to drag all them bags up a real steep stairway and our room wasn't all that cozy like it looked in the pictures. We stayed anyway and had some wine and cheese and crackers to make us feel better about the poor choice in accommodations.
Next mornin though at dawn we were up and out the door. There was a lot of movin boxes and dollies around under a tent, and then there was a great big commotion!  Mischa thought old b hadn't locked the car door and that someone snagged her wallet. So she started growlin and goin through all the boxes lookin for it. She got frantic, then she took off and walked all the way back tot the hotel on the canal. Anyways we all know whether someone took it or not she'd keep on lookin for it till she found it on accounta she's the most persistent person on the universe.   And guess what?  About two minutes after she cancelled all her credit cards, dint she go and find the dang wallet!
A day like every day,  full of good news and bad news, depending on how you look at it.
Speakin a which we're gettin ready to watch them steelers on one a them big rectangles hanging on a bar wall. I gotta go practice the polka, so later.

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