Sunday, January 4, 2015

Zoe's Back Parrots and Pumpkin Cheesecake Jan 4 2015

Zoe's Back  Parrots and Pumpkin Cheesecake 
"Oh well" I told Mischa"everyday can't be a winner otherwise ya wouldn't recognize one when it bit ya!"  I thought that was astute of me. She just rolled her eyes like she had heard that one a million times prior. "So what!" I thought, " I'm most likely the first dog to have uttered these words!"
It all started with a skirmish over semantics between the moms, somethin about there not bein any difference if you say it's one block away or if you say it's more n that....  I took Mischa's side on that one. Then the wallet went missin. Then Mischa kept goin down the wrong canal tryin to find the hotel room. Then she called all them banks and cancelled all her rights and privileges to use plastic. And that took a lotta press ones and twos, all while growlin, which makes it seem much longer.
Then the customers weren't cooperatin at all yesterday. They'd be like " no I like green" then Mischa give ema green and they'd be like, " oh no not green, red" then she'd give em red. Then they'd be no I like the one that lady has on "so we'd hurry up and duplicate somethin and then they'd go and change their mind all over again. This nonsense went on all day til old elizabeth was whiisperin under her breath askin for mercy.
Finally we got outta there and went to the exotic vegan eatin establishment, they call 'sublime'. And if ya watched them eatin, you'd half to agree the place delivers as promised. However, since all they serve is vegan it's hard for me to get my fair share of anything worth writin home about, which I dint, so I won't. Old shekina did feed me a steady stream a biscuits under the table.  But next thing you know we go back to that kinda dingy hotel and start watchin them  steelers. That's went it all went from bad to worse. The steelers turned out to be takin an early winters nap instead a playin footboall. And they proceeded to get run over by their arch nemesis! And all that happened after Mischa got trapped in the 7-11 tryin to score popcorn for the game. Turns out they decided to have their delivery truck pull up right at kickoff time, blockin all the customers in the lot for a good long while.! "Planning! people! it really works!" Anyways todays another day and the parrots is out in full glory. Elizabeth says she thinks they're multiplying themselves real good. There's huge packs a them lime green screamers zoomin around. And man do them parrots got a set a lungs on them.
We always stop whatever we're doin and run outside, push our heads up to the sky and locate them birds whenever they screech by. It is startin to be a bit of an issue all that neck cranin,  causa our advanced ages, but we go ahead and do it anyway.
Oh I almost forgot, at the end of the dinner we had pumpkin cheesecake. And since nothin at that restaurant is exactly what it's name implies, on accounta they do some fancy substitutin In order to go all vegan. That pumpkin cheesecake was chock full a cashews, yum and double yum, cause a big fork full fell my way. I love caschews and I think this bodes very well for Sunday. Gotta keep the world In balance so todays gotta be a good one. I think.
Ps Mischa's havin technical difficulties gettin my drawings up on the blog she says to give us a few days til we is extracted from the weird hotel and back in civilization...

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