Saturday, December 27, 2014

Zoes Back Black Dog Day Dec 27 2014

Zoe’s Back, Black Dog Day and Other Euphemisms

Hmmmmm. Mischa’s nerves is gettin thin. Or as Mr. Churchill useta say, she’s havin onea them black dog days.  I prefer she use the sideways waffle euphemism myself. At least that takes the dang thing and hangs it on an inanimate object insteada on a canine. People got lots a expressions that has to do with us dogs.  I aint so sure we deserve em all either. Like hair a the dog. Mischa says old Hipprocrates thought that one up! I dint even know them greeks had dogs! Anyways to me it feels personal, I dont like how everybody whos been out overindulgin all night starts tossin it around like its candy ‘’i’ll just take the hair a the dog’’ they say. Whatever, i guess if it works, aint no harm in it.   I should have more mercy. For sure theres a shortage of that in this world... Back to them dog sayins though, like that one raining cats and dogs people! get real, that dont happen! But still when they say it i’m all like hunkered down and shakin and lookin up at the sky for siameses and chihuahuas. That sayin scares me! Then there’s the one they love to use at every opportunity doggie-style. Now that really does get personal, that there’s private!
And speakin a private, lets get back to why old Mischa’s navigatin a rough patch.
Its on accounta that old bambi aka bondi whos holdin up the whole gay marraige thing down here in the swamp! And speakin a mercy, bambi dont got none!
Dont she know our people is: 1. just like her people, 2. loaded and cant wait to drop our well earned dollars on the peninsula and 3. numbrein about 4 million just in florida?!
 I wonder how many blondes there is, should someone jump up and decide they should be banned? Bambi, wake up bambi. We’re all the same!
Old Elizabeth just grabbed the ipad from me and checked it out! Only 2% of the world’s population is blonde! Look out you merciless little minority blonde, it could be you in the political crosshairs someday.! Aint right i tell you.
Hey now that i mention it, i aint even a person in some peoples eyes, just a dog and no one gets in my way when i go to mate! Not that i’m exactly into that...but just sayin. I could do it without gettin discriminated against!
Well its happy hour in the kitchen. Gotta shake mischa out a them doldrums. Later

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