Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Day 123 Zoes Winter Nap YIKES ANOTHER CAT


Day 7 Zoes Winter Nap
YIKES ANOTHER CAT??????????????
Ok Pink, what a big catastrophe you have on your hands eh? Your moms went out and got another cat? Ya gotta wonder what they’s thinkin, dont ya. Now I know you loved that little butchy who use ta live with younz and younz was all sad when she left. BUT no one ever uttered the word cat, since that day, and you have been grateful for it, I know.
You askt me, if I had any advice for ya. Well, as a matter of fact, I do.
One day my moms came home with not one, mind ya, but two cats! I was married back then to the pekingese. And we were both a-ghast at the news. Which by the way was delivered in a kinda devious manner. Just sayin. First off we wasnt allowed out a the house without a leash strapped around our necks... for about a week. Then we wasnt allowed in mischa’s studio, at all for antoher week. Then we hears all this loud discussion back and forth between the moms. It was about doors and time, and smells and waitin and not waitin. Turns out one a them was anxious to get all us animals together and the other one was exercisin extreme caution.
So the next thing we know we’s thrown into a lions den with two wild cats who was screechin and leapin and splayin their claws out. Man it was  mayhem. Then me and the pekingese lost it and we started barkin like crazy people. Well I started barkin, the pekingese was makin his normal unusual and horrific sound of a baby bein strangled. Well that scared the three wheezes outta all six a us. Then we was all runnin around the room like headless hens. The  sound musta taken ole mr o’grady who lived next door right over the edge, cause we never did see him ever again.
Anyways mischa got us all separated out again. I calmed down. The cats went and hid under various large objects for about a week to ten days. The pekingese was never really the same. Anything on four legs, other than me, drove him around the bend after that.
But finally someone let the cats out and someone let us out and we all chased each other around the yard for an hour or so until we got whatever it was, which we never really knew what it was, outta our systems.
Generally speakin though, to answer your question, in terms a cats, what I have learned over all my years with em, is that each one’s different.
So my advice to you in short is, gotta wait and see how the cat’s gonna play it.
If she’s a good cat, she’ll defer to you on all dog issues; keep a low profile; she will not usurp your standing with the mothers; she will look adoringly at you
when you walk into the room; she will not occupy your bed as some other four peds have been known to do. If she, on the other hand, is a bad cat, I would suggest
lookin deep into your canine ancestry and pullin out some ferocious animal behaviours. That should dissuade her from lingerin. If not, call me in the morning and we’ll reconnoiter the whole dilemma.

Right now I cant concentrate too good on acccounta breakfast is in the air, so...catch ya later.

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