Saturday, November 9, 2013


Day 120 Zoe’s Winter Nap

Hola mojito...I’m sleepin here! Tryin to get good shut eye around this place is gettin down right out of the question. I had to go in the garage and crawl onto a shelf. Ofcourse I took my rabbit, she makes an excellent cushion, and she only squeaks when I bite er. Unlike some other people who will remain nameless for purposes of uninterrupted victuals, and who seem to be able to make all sorts a ongoing noises when a girl is tryin to sleep.
Yesterday there was hammers on metal!; weed-whackers!; juicers!; and saxophones! Them sounds was all emanatin from the moms. On the street the garbage men were all out in full force; some fool on a motorcycle was racin up and down revin everything he had and blastin his radio too. There was helicopters circlin overhead and them herons was makin them ridiculous croakin sounds.
Then we had the debacle with the dang squirrel family, who was havin a roman banquet in the date palm. Seems like they invited over too many fluff-tails and the whole dang palm leaf includin about a thousand nuts and just as many squirrels...plummeted to the ground, right next to where I was takin my mornin snooze. Talk about scarin the tree breezes outta ya. And further more I dint get as much as a nip a any them squirrels either. Not that I really care, as I did get a nip a one once and it turned me into a lunatic for a minute...I ran in the house and ripped open one a my squeak toys. Mischa was horrified. Also the squirrel I nipped whacked me, just sayin. There’s a first and last time for everything.
Anyways I’s still a little tired this mornin I hope they decide to ride them bikes or go for a swim and leave me home for a few hours, I could use some peace and quiet around here.  Later.

which began July 2013

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