Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Day 74 Tues Sept 24 Zoe’s Morning Pages

So here I am standin on my own four feet, yet another day. That there is the good news. The bad news is, I coulda swore I saw snow flakes floatin down. I said to Mischa “Am I seein things? Is that or ain’t that snow?” And she says, “Zoe, that’s rain... it’s warm out!” I  knew it was warm-ish out...but I also know what I saw and I saw
sheets of white... lollygaggin their way down to earth. Now as far back as I can remember, rain never really lollygaged, it just came on down.
Well then we do live in the specific northwest and it is said that there are a thousand words for the kinda precipitation that comes outta the sky around here.
So she could have a point. But all tolled with the change in temperature, and the winds pickin up, and the clouds rollin in and leaves decidin they’s tired a hangin out on the branches, and the bees goin to sleep and the water gettin all stirred up....I’d say it’s thinkin about bein winter up here. And when that happens, I start dreamin of southern states... sun and dinin al fresca by the sea, chasin squirrels up trees and sightin alligators. I fancy my people takin me to the beach on the mild days and parkin me under a nice palm tree. I can see em go for a dip or two and then we’d be on a nice long walk. They’d do some studyin in their paperbacks and I’d do some nappin in the shade. Southern livin, that’s what I’m talkin about, when these here northerners are fixin to welcome winter I’m fixin on wavin bye bye.
People up here acts like they don’t know what I mean. Like the sun is the enemy of the civilized world. Like maybe I am of inferior stock on accounta my leanin toward the equator to get into my comfort zone. And I just shake my head like I believe they got a good point. But really just between me and me...I think that is some mole-ish behavior those people exhibit and it scares me!
They say they look forward to the sky turning from blue to dark grey. And they say when them clouds start wailin and droppin all them tears down on them, they say that is their great and welcome pleasure! They say they love tuckin themselves into their houses and stokin the fire for six months until they knock the chill out a the air. And to that I say..bye bye. I just don’t have the nerve for it. Call me weak, or call me chicken, I don’t mind, just don’t talk me into lingerin around here waitin for the full onslaught of winter to unfold. I can’t take it!
Also, just sayin, the people who love it up here in the winter, they are white as snow! Put a little rosy glow on their cheeks and they’re already in the car on the ferry speedin down the I-5 and headin for the skin doctor, to make sure they ain’t diein! Why they wear hats on their heads in their houses!
Egads people you might like a vacation on the dark side a the moon. Me, I’m thinkin carribean. But I’ll send postcards and you do the same. Cause despite our slight difference of opinion when it comes to the weather...I sure am gonna miss these fine specimens of  human beins while I’m away.
Hey speakin about specimens, I gotta find me some morsels...so later.

http://www.micheldemetriatsouris.blogspot.com       .   
Zoe's Cards  are $6 each or. Available in boxed sets of 5 for $25.
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