Friday, September 13, 2013

Day 63 Iscream

Day 63 Fri Sept 13 Zoe’s Morning Pages

Wow and hello. We had a whirlwind day yesterday. My head’s still a little spinny from all the things we saw.  That niece wanted to go see the big city and we piled half the island into the car and went on down.
Turns out we was pickin up and droppin people off a lot before we even got to the ferry. Like our little neighbors, Mischa has been promisin to take em for a ride to get em some iscream so she stuffed them in the car and rode em to the dairy queen. She bought everybody a great big striped cone. Just me and Kal got a solid white one. I guess we were special. 

Then we stopped at a park and them kids sat on these tiny seats and Mischa pushed them intil they flew straight up into the sky. Someone started singin iscream songs and the kids were gigglin and flyin and kickin their legs. I am sure glad no one got the bright idea to put me on one of them little seats. My stomach was queasy just watchin em. After that we took em back home and headed for the ferry. I was confused but I went with the flow.

There was my aunts Judenchris and me and ole B, Eva the niece and Mischa in the car and everybody was in an exceptionally good mood on accounta bein together. Seems people like it best when they have their pack around em. Me I’m a bit unsure of what became of my original pack, but this adopted one of mixed breeds, is workin out fine! It’s mind alterin sometimes, but that’s ok.

Speakin a mind alterin, the city people are an eyeful.
Me and the niece spent a long time hangin out people-watchin: men in pink bunny hats, men in skirts and leotards tap dancin and playin clarinets, men with rainbow colored hairs, we were lovin it. Mischa called it the spice of life. Judenchris gave us the full monty seven hills of seattle tour, it was a roller coaster! The chris half a Judenchris raced me and Mischa up a big water tower so as we could get a good long view. I couldnt really see much except the light comin in the windows but, the floor was offerin up delicacies right and left. I had to be carried back down though on accounta my bum shoulder. It really isn’t a bum shoulder but when needs be I can sorta make it appear like it is, if ya know what I mean...
I don’t straight out lie about it mind you.

Anyways the big news a the day was havin that cart blanche to enter all the cool shops and cafes on accounta my official i.d. card and jacket! Plus people think it’s extra cool that a little pup can be a lifsaver, like I am, and that gets ya plenty of extras. I felt very seen, and very appreciated. Nothin fills ya up more. I think the feelin was sorta the same in the whole pack, cause they all was smilin pretty big all day.

Yeah just hangin with the pack is a good thing. Also I could see when they all look at each other, they light up, and that’s a sure sign a all being well in the world.
Cause when you look over at somebody and they’re givin you the evil eye or somethin, you know it and your whole day turns sour. Sometimes you even take that ole evil look and pass it on to the next person you run into, even if you don’t have no reason to bid him no evil. It’s weird, but it works like that sometimes.
Anyways we made our way home and I had a well-earned supper of leftover carnitas from the Judenchris. Oh yeah. Life is good.  Later!       .   
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