Sunday, September 29, 2013


Day 79 Sun Sep 29 Zoe’s Morning Pages

Wind in my hair. Ooops I dont got hair! Well I’m picturin wind in my hair, figuratively speakin. Mischa says that’s like makin a picture poem, so as you got a lot of license to be imaginative. And I’m all about havin licenses. I spent years naggin Mischa about gettin one for me. She finally conceded, so now I drive all around the island when no body’s lookin! Ya know we live in a forest...and if a little dog drives around in a forest and nobody sees could kinda tell the cop she wasn’t really drivin, or something like that, on accounta trees fall all the time in the forest and when no body sees em, they say maybe they didnt really fall. (long pause and a lot a scratchin)

Where was I goin with this? Oh yeah we’re leavin town and I mean real soon. It’s been a frenzy around our place, with people comin and goin.  There’s piles a stuff everywhere that keeps gettin moved around. It’s nerve rackin! I like a little consistency in my life, routines, things a dog can count on. Around here you’d think doin the same thing twice was a capital crime! I think that’s like a crime in big letters for emphasis, or something like that.

I mean first of all, they, my mom’s, both acknowledge... we kinda just got here...and now we’re leavin. What do they think is gonna happen to all them bones out front?
That black dog up the hill could have em all dug up and eaten before I get back! And I been leavin notes for that dog that found the rabbit in the park, and she writes back pretty much every day!  Who knows what havoc the winter rains will reek on them notes before I return? Eek, are we sure about this comin and goin and comin and goin thing?

Ole b hates leavin on accounta her multitude a projects. Mischa says them projects is like the loaves and the fishes...they keep multiplyin before her very eyes! Now I have no idea what she is talkin about when she says that, but I think it has something to do with the chinese guy who changed our oil in pacifica last month.

Mischa also says, despite her genetic tendancy to gravitate to sun and warmth...she is feelin real torn about headin south right now on accounta leavin some a her pals behind. She says sometimes she thinks she’ll just bolt out the door and fly on down the highway without even huggin them all goodbye on accounta it hurts too much. Yeah gettin yanked away aint no good.
“But on the other hand” she always says, “we got art to sell and metal discs and papers to collect in order to keep the home fires burnin and the roof from fallen down on us.”
So we are headin out. And I do feel the wind in my hair.
I do feel our friends wishin us well and I do plan on havin a good long string a adventures all across the merika, thank you george, I love that word! It’s fun to say. Later       .
Zoe's Cards  are $6 each or. Available in boxed sets of 5 for $25.

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