Thursday, September 19, 2013


Day 69 Thurs Sept 19 Zoe’s Morning Pages

Oh boy is my head turned around or what! Mischa was tryin to give me a quick tour d’arte the other day and I am still tryin to get my eyeballs back into position on accounta they rolled so far back into my head. She said her contact lenses do that all the time, but never her eyeballs which she is happy about cause she dont think she could get em to come back down like I do.  Really I’m not sure I’m gonna be all that successful at it either, and that’s makin me nervous. She said I was startin to look like a work of modern art myself! In fact she bought me a little t-shirt that looks like a motherwell. “Motherwell?” I asked her. “Yes dear” she said like I was a child or something, I minded that a little..., “he was one of the 20th century abstract expressionists, in fact he sort of started the whole movement!”
“O!” I said, like I got what she was sayin, which I didn’t.
Then she told me how that automatic drawin style he used was an effort to dig into the unconscious mind, scramblin around in there tryin to discover whatever it is that’s lurkin under yer surface. To this I replied “O!”
Then I asked her “is this what ole rosie’s doin with them doodles she takes to tasmania?”  Mischa said yes indeed it was, and ole rosie was makin some dang good progress diggin around in there too!
So now my world got expanded a bit with that discussion. In addition to writin down whatever’s floatin around in my head, I can make random marks on paper and learn about myself without even thinkin about it first! Hmmmm?
Well Mischa’s been doin all the drawin around here, so she must have like a ph.d. in self reflection at this point.
I asked her about it, but she said, she’s just barely scratched the surface. She said we’s deep. I believe it too
cause when I start askin myself questions, I find them answers can go on and on.  Like yesterday I says, ‘Zoe, what is it that makes you want to jump right up in the morning with all that joy in your heart?’ And when I started answerin I could hardly stop myself, there are reasons inside a reasons for that feelin. #1. when I wake up and realize I’m alive; #2 my person is laying just a few feet away; #3 my person looks down on me with a big smile on her face; #4 breakfast is imminent; #5 love is in the air, somewhere, and I got the nose for it; #6 I make Mischa’s heart open up and she does the same for me.
But gettin back to modern art. I think it’s something that more people might take an interest in if they knew it was a straight line into their psyches! Hey who don’t want to know their psyches better? Mine’s got some twists and turns I sure would like to shed light on.
Mischa says all the arts is a means a transportation into your soul!   I said to her “Well and if that ain’t deep missy what is, huh?” “Hand me a pencil will ya, I got some feelins in need of comin into form.”
I started make some doodles then I asked her, “if the drawins look like hamburgers does that mean I am or am not on the right track here?”
“Zoe!” she said. I ain’t sure what she meant by that. But I took my motherwell t-shirt, my new pencil and headed for the barkerlounger to do some diggin.
Jusqu'à ce que nous nous revoyions, as they say in France....until we meet again.       .   
Zoe's Cards  are $6 each or. Available in boxed sets of 5 for $25.
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