Sunday, September 1, 2013

Day 52 Mon Sept 2 The Oracle at Delphi and Pinky's Tail

THE ORACLE AT DELPHI and  PINKY’S TAIL (what’s left of it)
Day 52 Monday Sept 2 Zoe’s Morning Pages

Oops. I heard B askin Mischa “If you loved Zoe, even when her underbelly was showin, why couldn’t you love the lady who showed us her underbelly yesterday when we was a t work?”
Mischa says “Well now that’s a mighty good question.” There was a long pause. B started tappin her foot. Mischa stared deep into outer space for what B considered to be an eternity. Finally Mischa looked back at her and proclaimed: “You want to know why I don’t have enough love, compassion and mercy in my heart to forgive that rude woman for being misguided and inconsiderate?” To which B replied, “Why yes.”
Another long time passed. Now all of us (me and B) was gettin tired a waitin for the answer. Truthfully such a long time passed, I forgot the question.
I took a brief nap and I think B went out an constructed something in the back yard.
She does that when she’s got extra energy or needs to blow off steam. In this case it was the latter, as she was frustrated waitin on Mischa to answer the question, which by now I think even ole B may have forgotten.
Just when we both had fully given up the prospect of gettin a reply, we hear this sort of yelp. And it’s her lettin us know the Oracle of Delphi is about to proclaim the answer to the mystery question. So we gather around her with baited stress, or something like she declares:
“I cannot forgive the rude woman for her behavior, nor can I find love in my heart for her, because I remain an unenlightened slug scraping along the dirt paths of life barely able to drag myself from point a to point b, let alone, reach out to a stranger as offensive and discourteous as that woman appeared to be. But” she continued  “when I search deeper, I have to say, I will love her and I will forgive her on the day I learn to love and forgive myself.”
Wow!” and we all started up breathin and exhalin again, shook on it and went on with our day.
B says she sure is pleased Mischa arrived at such a wise conclusion. She said some people would rather saw off their own body parts before they’d confess a real truth about themselves. So she was mighty proud a Mischa.
And speakin of body parts. I almost forgot. I got a  terrifyin email from Pink today.
She said her minoots (them’s fleas) is drivin her straight up a tree!. I sure do hope she is exaggeratin about that, cause, I meant to mention to her, we dogs, do not climb trees!  Also she said them minoots was so bad she got a another bath, so she had wet feet in the house for the third time in as many weeks! She hates wet feet in the house (as do I). So she was lickin them dry and one of them fleas started itchin her real bad so she started chewin on the flea....Egads, the next thing she knew she practically had her whole tail chewed off. Lucky for her the redhead ran in in the nick of time and put an end to the obsessive chewing jag she had gotten herself into. And the tail in the end was spared from ultimate demise. But cheez pizza, it was a close call, and a scary story. I sure do hope it don’t keep me up all night. We got one more day of work ahead of us and a girl needs her booty rest. 
So for now, b-bye, catch you manyana!

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