Saturday, September 14, 2013

Day 64 the visitation

Day 64 Sat Sept 14 Zoe’s Morning Pages

Hello hello. I am shakin my head and wipin my eyes.
I am pinchin myself and I ran to the mirror to see 
if I was still here. Only problem was they keep em mirrors way high up on the wall. No one my size can get a look! I tried gettin purchase on the sink but that thing’s slippery when wet. There should be some kinda sign posted.  A dog can get her self all banged up slidin off that thing and slidin off that thing. I finally managed to get a look in a window and whoa... Hold It Up! I was white as a ghost!

Speakin a ghosts...I think there's a good chance I got one a them visitations last night.
It was like this...I fell asleep on the couch on accounta every body was watchin them SureLuck Homes movies. They had the subtitles on, cause ole B couldn't make out them Brit accents.
I can't read that fast so I got real sleepy and the dozed off. I was dreamin and dreamin which is a favorite activity of mine. Mischa likes to do it too. In fact we usually spend the first part a each day writin em down and then talkin about em.
They're insightful; at least that's what Mischa says.

Anyways I'm not sure if I did or didn't dream this cause
it coulda been real. It sure did look and feel real. See I was on the couch, like I said, and I was layin on my side, which makes my legs, all four of em, go straight out. Somebody walkin by coulda takin me for somebody who just passed over, but I don't think I did but I coulda. This is the thing that's so confusin.

Anyways all a sudden I felt somethin land on the couch. 
Then I felt somethin land on the other side a the couch!
Then I got real scared, which is what both me and Mischa do pretty easy. So I'm kinda used to it. But then I hears people talkin! Yeah just chatterin away. I propped open one eye and looked over to see if Mischa was still in her chair, but she was missing! Then I scanned the room for ole B and the niece, but they were missing! Then I thought, ‘dare I open the other eye?’ Cause now I’m sure someone’s talking to someone else and it aint any a my pack, or at least I don’t recognize em as such.
So I finally gets up the nerves to address the situation, and lo and behold there’s two big people, but like shrunk down in size, on either side of the couch! One’s sittin and that’s a lady and the other’s standin on his tiptoes, and that’s a man. I starts goin through my mind’s eye of facial recognitions and I am getting a little frantic tryin to place em. Then I thinks, is this Erdie and Pompernickel all grown up! Them’s Mischa’s childhood under-the-table friends. No no it aint them, I recognize these people… “HEY!’ I thinks all a sudden, this is Mischa’s mom and dad! And I know they’s passed over, so now I’m thinking…did I pass over in the middle a the night? Did SureLuck Homes send them hounds from Baskerville outta the tv set to snag me?! Lord have mercy, what’s happening?
So I says to my self “Zoe, stay calm and treat these folks like family cause they is family.” And so I said.. “Hey there Dimitri how’s it going…?”  And ole Dimitri looks over at his wife and smiles real broad then he looks down at me and says “you’re a butter butter cream cream sugar sugar sweet sweet monkety monkety chckee chickee good girl Zoe… tell Mischa we stopped in, b-bye now.”
That’s when everything went all black and I must been mutterin real loud cause next thing I knew ole Mischa and ole B and ole Eva was hanging over me, pettin me and whisperin sweet nothins into my ear. Somebody swept me into her arms and ferried up them steps and into the bed.
That was quite the night!  Worked me up a big appetite.

So I will see my self….later pater!       .   
Zoe's Cards  are $6 each or. Available in boxed sets of 5 for $25.
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