Thursday, July 25, 2013

Day 12 July 24 DogWalking and Things Outta Mid Air

July 24 2013    Morning Pages  Day 12
Zoe Haughton Tsouris
Hey Zoe, it’s me Zoe again. And this was a grand morning, because a frog croaked under my paw and a picture of Pink came up on the ipad, with a note attached! Mischa said it was another email! I never actually saw it happen before, the last email I got, was hand delivered to me on a piece of paper, so I didn’t realize they could come right outta mid air en all.  And guess who it was from, Pink. I’m gonna put it right here in my Morning Pages so I can always remember the first thing that appeared outta mid air:

Hi Zoe,
There's something about them rawhides aint there. I sniff em out on my daily walk.  If one's close to a fence I always try to snag it.  (Then I make Lee carry it home for me.  I ain't no retriever.)
A long time ago, I kilt a bunny. 
Dana got hysterical-I dropped it fast-thought it must be poisonous or something, but you lived to tell,  so maybe I just got hysterical like Dana did.
Yesterday I was in the yard and must have got too close to a flower and got a stain on my back. ‘’Lilly juice!’’ Dana said.  Ever happen to you?
So I wrote Pink right back and this is what I told her:

Lily juice!  I like the sounds of that, but I don't mean no disrespect….did it sting or anything?
Lily juice sounds like it my be pretty
like a little  painting made by a flower on your back.
That's awful nice that lee lee caries your rawhide.
PS (do you chew on it?) 
PPS Personally i don't really like em…
They make my tongue feel like it got scratched by a  
c a t.

Well this is also a grand new morning cause the ladies were giggling first thing this morning and had their heads out the window lookin up at the sky. It was them geese I think.
I couldn’t really see or hear too good cause they had both their bodies scrunched into the window opening, so not much was comin through, I couldn’t really even get a good scent on.
Just sayin, there wasn’t a whole heck of a lot of laughing the past few days so it is always a good sign when they get a jump on it in the morning. Me I wake up laughing everyday. Why not? Usually an hour or so into the day, I starts getting anxious about this or that, but first thing, I am optimistic just in case I might luck out and get a whole day of fun thrown my way. Fate has its good moments too you know. Like when that fish fell outta the sky, and that dog almost caught it on the fly, nevertheless he got to eat a fresh salmon direct from god! What gets better en at? And aint that fate?
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