Tuesday, October 22, 2013

day 103 eye Yikes! Wed Oct 23

Day 103 Wed Oct 23 Zoe Can’t Stop Talkin

Zoe, good morning ...finally. That was a long day and a long night. Ole Mischa got a sty in her eye and was nursin it all day long. I dont know how a whole sty got in there but it did. I dont think the pig was in the sty when it got in her eye, but she was actin like it was.
I guess she dint notice it first thing when she got up, but me and dana did. We tried not to say nothin cause we know how susceptible she is to suggestion. If we’d a said sometin first off, we mighta spent the day in the ER insteada in the park with the so-called alligators. Dana says she’s never seen one a them gators yet and she’s tried and tried. Mischa pretty much guaranteed it, so the pressure is on. That might be why the sty got in her eye, too much pressure.  Things like that happen to people. One thing bothers em, but they try to stuff it, the next thing they know, somethins stuck somewheres in their body and it starts swellin up.
Anyways her eye dint look good last night and it looked worse this mornin. Dana said maybe the armadilla had somethin to do with it. But Mischa said armadillas would never put a sty in anybody’s eye for no good reason.
Mischa kept blinkin and blinkin and wincin. We thought maybe she was developin one a them ticks, but then we put 2 and 2 together and realized that that eye was really botherin her. So dana asked her about it and she ran to the mirror and that’s when the day started to sorta take a turn for the worse.
We had to go to about three pharmacies and buy us medicines, then we had to boil water and make hot compresses. Then we had to lay on the couch and worry for a long time. Mischa kept jumpin up and starin in the mirror, but the sty kept on bein there, in fact it seemed like it was growin. I guess stys liked to be watered, cause she was waterin it for hours, and then it got big and red instead just red like it had been.
I’m not sure if the next thing she did was an attempt at a cure or what...but I sees Mischa pick up her clarinet and stare down the tube while she’s standin in front a the mirror. It looked like she had a plan, but we couln’t figure it out. She did this two or three times before we had the nerve to ask.
“Mischa” dana said “exactly what are you doing with the clarinet?”
“I’m gettin a closer look at my sty!” she answered all incensed like.
“Oh, ok....” dana said real slow but you could tell she dint mean a word of it, how could she?
Anyways all day long we did the hot compresses and the lubricatin ointments, some asprins and lots a water. Oh yeah there was a couple a glasses a retsina thrown in there for good measure when we were at dimitri’s taverna (where a mousaka was had by all I might add). Mischa had the waitress bring her microwaved napkins so as she dint  have to skip a beat administerin the remedy to the sty in her eye.
By the end of the night we was all exhausted from watchin her perform the treatments and also from all the sighin she was doin. Sighin is catchy, kinda like yawnin is catchy. So insteada takin a nice long end of the day walk to smell the neighbors, we all hit the sack early.
I said my prayers before I went to sleep last night, prayin  the pig and the sty would stay on Mischa’s side a the bed!
As usual I had good luck I woke up sty free and hungry as horse...so until tomorrow I bid myself farewell.

http://www.micheldemetriatsouris.blogspot.com       .   
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