Friday, October 11, 2013


91 Fri Oct 11 Zoe Can’t Stop Talkin

Well hello and good morning. I am here to report on the events of note. Yesterday aunt alice took us to the cough-course again. This time we sat out in the sun and had some cocktails. Mischa said she felt like she was in a TB sanatorium on accounta she was still recuperatin from the catastrophe. But her and alice had some real intense conversations that seemed to please the two a them and which led to my gettin a free hamburger from the waitress. I am not sure how all that was related I just know that was the order of events.
Me and Mischa is gettin back on that train today and goin back to albuquerque where all these ladies live who are called bees. I have no idea of the origin of this nomenclature but I think it has something to do with slang . Personally I am tryin to keep my distance from slang on accounta I want to learn proper english first before I start slingin it against the wall for fun, which seems like what slang is...words that’s slung and fall all to pieces  and is no longer considered proper.
Anyways there is one bee who we visit who is a famous artist and I asked Mischa if she thought we should take her a little piglet like zephyr, for a kinda housewarmin gift. I know them artists have eccentric tastes so I thought she might like it. But Mischa said she dint have a train ticket for the pig and most likely it was too late to git one. So I dropped it, but I like thinkin about it and picturin it, so Mischa made this photo collage paintin for me to give to the bee when I see her.
Speakin a piglets we finally did get up close and personal with that piglet next door. We went to visit him and he was sleepin in his mom’s bedroom on a psychadelic blanket of which he seemed to be very fond.
Them two wolves was also in the house. The one is old and sorta minds her own business, the other one though... his mom had  him by his collar durin the whole visit. We was all grateful for that. In fact if ya ask me I think that wolf woulda had me for lunch if he had been free, maybe even a little taste of Mischa too for dessert.
Anyways we all went for a walk down the street and some bad black and white cat joined us, so there was the cat (in the lead) me and Mischa next, then the piglet was sorta takin a zig zag approach to the walk, followed by alice and the wolves and the wolves’ mom, one red hen and at the tail end a crow got involved. He looked like he was makin a report of some kind...Them crow’s is smart ya know.
So we got home in one piece and waved the menagerie on its way. I’m glad we got to meet em all, but also much happier to be home with cousin Nick snoozin on the family room rug and catchin periodic morsels from the sky.
Speakin a which....I gotta run, I hear breaksfast rustlings in the kitchen area. Later!

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