Wednesday, June 3, 2015

That word "never". June 3 2015

NEVER is a short word with a long afterlife, Mischa told me.
She says she’s worrying a lot about this here word right now.
I know when she tells me ‘’zoe! never beg for morsels while the bipeds are sending their foodstuff down their own hatches!” 
she means NEVER!
If I try doin’ it anyway, there’s hell to pay!
She raises her voice and stares me down!
I hate that!
But now she says ‘NEVER’’ is plaguing her real bad.
She says she might never see her beautiful jeweler again, never hear her voice, never take another dip together in the ocean, never sit across the table and laugh, never hold her hand,
never nothing, no more, and that’s impossible to consider. That’s just down right impossible for me to consider....I’m guessin’
she’s thinking it’s about a million times more impossible for her to consider.
I can’t figure out what to do about changing that "never" into "sometime in the future but we just can’t say when”.
I guess we both got to manage our way through “never”... now.
And she says she never thought that would happen...but it did.

Mαρκέλλα Τσουρής

Michel Demetria Tsouris

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