Monday, November 4, 2013


Day 115 Mon Nov 4 Zoe Cant Stop Talkin

“Zoe” mischa asked me as my eyes opened this a.m.   “what to the marine corps and the huffington post, rupert murdock and general mills all have in common?”
“I give up” I said, cause I really dint know any of em well enough to venture a guess.
“They are all into meditation, now!”
“No way” I said.
“Way” she said “it’s all over the new york times today, this is good news!”
I guess she’s figurin if more people got into meditatin and mindfulness then maybe less people’d be ineterested in bein bossed around my their minds. Also they might learn how to listenin to somebody in addition to themselves.
Both them things  drives mischa straight up the nearest tree.
I watched her on sunday while she was workin in the bauble booth. Sometimes ladies come up who dont want to look ya in the eye..then that sets a real bad tone for the rest of the interaction, unless mischa throws her head down right on top a them baubles so as the lady cant see nothin but mischa’s eyes. She dont do that too much though.
Then them same ladies often times... want to start prattlin on about whatever until they got themselves into a complete knot. They dont even seem to be breathin while there doin it either.
If mischa tries to help them by offerin them a way out a their knot... they just keep right on talkin while she’s tryin to talk. Or they might stop and listen  for a second and then just pick right on up  doin what what they was already doin which was creatin a big pile a chaos right in the middle a our bauble booth.
That there drives mischa into paroxysms of displeasure.
When them ladies leave , she always turns to me and mumbles about deep breaths, patience, and alterin some kind of state.
Mischa says everybody’s got a mind that nudges at em all day long.
Some people nudge back at their mind and this starts a nasty duel in which the mind always wins. And it aint pretty.
Some people hear their minds yakin away about non-sense and they get so confused they just start spewin the non sense out into the world without bein able to stop themselves. That aint pretty.
Some people dont seem to be bothered by the crowd that forms in their mind and just follow all the voices in all the directions until they realize they are goin in circles all day long. Then they get scared and confused and start havin one a them meltdowns. And that aint pretty.
This is why ole mischa is a big promotor of meditatin. She says it puts an end to the
all that.  She says meditatin is like givin your bossy mind a big old hug and shusshin it back to sleep.
Speakin a sleep, ole dana just woke up and she reached  down to give me some pets. I of course, dutiful like I always am, went belly up. She was rubbin me and says “hey aint you got a little somethin extra today zoe?”
I hear mischa say “are you talkin about her belly?”
Dana nodded and twisted her head till her eyes landed right snack dab in the middle a my belly.
I was mortified!  Then I heard mischa say “She’s just a little cute...we’ll walk it off this week, won’t we butter?”
That made me feel much better and also I felt a rush of relief, cause it was breakfast time, and now I was pretty sure nobody was gonna get the bright idea to weigh and measure my food portions, on accounta I have a powerful hunger this hear mornin. Speakin a which, I gotta oversee the delivery of morsels, so.....later.

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