Saturday, November 2, 2013



Day 113 Sat  Nov 2 Zoe Can’t Stop Talkin

Oh boy, good mornin zoe, well well well. We made it to the big beach yesterday and I tagged along for the ride. Anyways from the shore them two looked like little pinheads bobbin in the water. However, just when we thought dana had come to the end of family history month, dint she pop outta the water with another story.
Mischa had been talkin to her about the hammerhead shark a friend hooked yesterday. And also she was tellin her about a school a sharks that was chasin an unsuspectin little dolphin. In the words a the bask-kay forest ranger “I HATE THE FOOD CHAIN!”
Right in the middle of her shark tale, dana starts chatterin away. Then all a sudden she shoots straight up into the air. In fact she came so far out we could see her red sea slippers! (which she wears on accouta her delicate feet. She says her naked feet have never touched any surface except for a carpet, a sock and a bathtub!) Anyways a she’s flyin up outta the water and I hear her ask mischa “Did I ever tell you about the time I studied synchronized swimming?”
Now she delivered this with a perfectly straight face, and I don’t know why, but the question made mischa bend in half and fall into the water. 
“No,” mischa said “I don’t believe you did, do tell!”
“Oh yeah”, dana continues with her eyes turned up to the the sky as she was collectin her memories, "just like esther williams!”
“Really?” mischa says, not havin an iota of knowledge on ms williams, but actin like she did so as not to look uninformed.
At this point dana flops onto her back and starts swimmin in circles, bein real extra dramatic with her arms as they make big O's in the air, her head’s turnin from side to side and she keeps on chatterin about esther.
Then she shouted, on accounta all the splashin water was gettin loud “and we use to do scullin with our elbows so we could stay afloat.”
Now from where I sat on the beach and I’m pretty sure from mischa’s point a view as well dana was lookin alot like them chickens that use ta live  at our house. But she kept on at it. She started sendin one leg and then another into the air and then she would sink so as we could not see her at all, and then rise right back up and start with the legs all over again.
Just then three pelicans flew by in tandem. Then they turned around and flew by again, this time just inches from the water and the girls. Then they picked up a buddy and turned back for a third pass, this time in v-formation and clearly with fishin on their minds. This time they was way high up.
In perfect unison they screeched to a halt, in mid flight, tucked their heads down to view the water, and took a
theatrical plunge into the water, those long beaks cuttin the channel direct to a fish. They each emerged with a catch whose tail was hangin out from the edge of their massive head protrusions.
Simultaneously dana and mischa pointed at the flock and said “now that’s synchronized swimmin!”
The two a them swam back to shore like they was mirror images a each other, which I guess they is, which I guess we all are.
Mischa told me that she had to spend a lot a time in the water yesterday on accounta that sty came back.  She thinks its a message from the heavens, sayin “hey lady, you aint seein things to clearly, better wash that film off your eyes!”
“Film?” I asked her
“Yeah, like the negative movies we show ourselves, I think that’s the message I’m suppose to be gettin. I think I need to change the reel and show myself a more positive  movie!”
“Oh” I said “I see,” but truthfully I remain a little confused, and so, I’m gonna go think on that. And thinkin requires some fuel, so....later.

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